MsAnnThropy Member


  • Really glad to find this group! I've been on Atkins for 4 weeks now (phase 1). Lost 2kg in one week but nothing after that and Im guessing the 2kg was water weight. I was 50kg though (I'm 165cm tall), and only after losing a few pounds then maintaining (now at 48). The food side is really enjoyable, and the carb cravings…
  • Agreeing with ACG and Park here. Sadly, you do have to count calories too. The idea though is that the amount of fat and protien means you are more satiated than if you had eaten the same amount in carbs. That said, I find I can "get away with" around 100 - 200 calories more a day as long as I dont do it all the time, but…
  • I agree with the comments about coke and the Atkins bars. The atkins bars seem to sham the numbers too as they subtract the sugars from glycol alcohols from the totals. I found that every time I ate one, I was hungry soon afterwards. Aspartame is also reported to make your body "think" it has gotten sugar, then later on,…
  • Thanks so much to you guys who took this seriously. I read the DSMV criteria througly with with a freind and it does fit. It's helped me see that I need to talk to a doctor about this. I just hope that councelling will help me come to terms with hating how I look at a heavier weight (cos I do).
  • thanks you guys for posting. Jw, I know I have disordered eating, but I don't know if it qualifies as anorexia is all. I'm eating 1800 calories a day minimum, sometimes 2000, which is more than this site even recommends to maintain (it suggests I will gain weight on that but I cant control my hunger so I never stick to the…
  • Thanks guys for the info. Travistock - Im actually just trying to lose 2kg then maintain after that, as my bodyweight it quite low at 50kg and 5"6 (I'd just gained the 2kg very quickly, despite not changing my habits and I worried the gain wouldnt stop). I actually dont mind if I don't lose the 2kg (as Ive been told it can…
  • Thanks for posting this. It really helps. Another trick that I read somewhere that works for me is one for my own "danger time" which is in the evening, having stuck to my diet all day. Often, by the end of the day I'm SO hungry. Instead of breaking my plan though, I don't think about what to eat, I make a concerted effort…
  • I know your pain! I had success by accident with an exercise I got from a physiotherapist for my back (I have quite severe scoliosis). She had said strengthening my "core" would help with my back, which it did, but it also pulled in my waist a bit (as someone with almost NO waist I was very happy!). There are two of them,…
  • Are you vegetarian Jangier? If you're not, it's fairly easy. Kidney and liver. If you are, or only eat fish & poultry, I feel your pain. I find it hard aswell. Via the site though I found that brocolli has quite a bit, which you can add to any stirfry. Spinach has a lot too, and is very nice cooked with fish, or raw in…
  • Thanks again guys. I really appreciate this! KT - funnily enough I wondered about that too, though I did have it tested a few years back. Mwell - I wondered too if the estimate tool wasn't quite right. From what I've read I thought that anything under 1200 sent anyONE into starvation mode! But yeah, I put "sedentary" cos I…
  • Hi All Thanks for the replies. I appreciat the time. Most of you suggested I may be miscalculating, but I am very very exact with my food , and always have been (to the point of obsession). Also with calculating the exercise. I'm not sure I could be in starvation mode, as I eat 1600 - 1700 calories a day depending on how…