Iron Ideas

jangier Posts: 109 Member
I noticed while tracking my foods, I am not getting enough iron.

Any ideas for iron rich foods or recipe ideas?


  • MsAnnThropy
    MsAnnThropy Posts: 16 Member
    Are you vegetarian Jangier? If you're not, it's fairly easy. Kidney and liver. If you are, or only eat fish & poultry, I feel your pain. I find it hard aswell. Via the site though I found that brocolli has quite a bit, which you can add to any stirfry. Spinach has a lot too, and is very nice cooked with fish, or raw in salad. Eggs are also not too bad as an iron source. Mushrooms help boost the number too, as you can put loads of them in a lot of dishes aswell without "spending" that many calories.
  • jangier
    jangier Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks - very helpful! I am not vegetarian, but don't really eat a lot of red meat.

    I like the idea of adding in more spinach, broccoli, and mushrooms! Eggs too, since I can easily just hard boil those. :smile:
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    Have you had blood tests that showed low iron or are you feeling symptoms of iron deficency? A lot of the database entries do not include iron in their count. If you are just going by that, you could be worrying about nothing. If you actually have an iron problem (I sometimes do) the previous suggestions are good, but beans and lentils have been my best way of upping iron because I don't eat a lot of meat either. Red meat has some of the highest iron content but other meats including shelfish are also good.