Onestep43 Member


  • I think I'll just take the one life. Unless there's reincarnation, then I'll just take the one life at a time.
  • My name is Grantland and i know my superpowers (not the plural) will be awesome when they finally manifest themselves. I am assuming I just need a strong trigger like a zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, or family reunion.
  • I'm Grantland from Simsbury. I'm also interested in running a 5K.
    in intros! Comment by Onestep43 June 2013
  • Great Job. I'm just starting and I hope I can have the same experience.
  • I find the premise of this thread very surprising to see on this site. Laziness is a simplistic, and often incorrect, explanation for being overweight. I would think that most people who have dealt with weight issues would understand that. Overeating, like any other addictive behavior, often stems from a unhealthy coping…
  • I love reading (mostly science fiction / horror). World War Z was a great book. I also like to draw. Since trying to get back in shape I've rediscovered that I really enjoy running although I'm very slow right now and I keep getting injured. *sigh*
  • I love the Trek universe. There's something about the optimistic view of the future that appeals to me. I also love the Vulcan culture. Has anyone read the book Sarek? It's about Spock's father and it's very good. Then again, I am in training, and it's hard to think of training with out thinking about running through the…