

  • Yup, names Treasure and i to am an addict
  • I am with the lot of you... I am so over this snow...
  • I am in agreement. I can't live without my coffee. I only have 2 cups in the morning to get me going during the week. Weekends I drink it more frequently. Prior to dieting I used flavored creamer. I said I wouldnt give up coffee but I'd give up my creamer. AHHH! I thought I was gonna go nuts! But I found these things by…
  • Thanks for that post. Do you do those everday? I read the bible every (almost every) morning with my partner. We are trying to read the bible in a year. It puts me in the right frame of mind for the day. I find if I skip reading in the morning.. I am off track all day.
  • Thank you all so much for all the support and encouragment. Amazing. I thought I would have to do this all on my own! Good to know I am not alone! Thank you all again and I look forward to getting to know you guys and supporting you as well!
  • Hello all. My name is Treasure. I am just coming to terms with, after years of denial, the fact that I am not only overwieght. I am obese. And if I dont do something RIGHT NOW, in easily 3 years I will be bed ridden or dead. So its a choise. Do I want to live? The answer is yes. So here I am, need all the support I can…