LoraLuck Member


  • Forgive yourself. We are human... try your best to break this habit, but don't fall to pieces. You will just spiral down if you are an emotional eater. Until you can separate emotions and food, just try avoiding stressful situations that trigger eating.
  • Toss some cut up apples in some cinnamon and a dash of sugar (if you want). Then mix in another bowl some oats with a bit of brown sugar and butter. not to much, but enough to make a crumble that will satisfy your craving. If you skip the slightly "naughty" part of the recipe you may find yourself driving to the store to…
  • Get a small bar of dark chocolate and tuck it a way in the pantry, make it a little annoying to get to (ie. the top shelf in back, maybe requiring a stool to get to). When you need your fix, it will be there! As far as easter candy, bring it too work for your coworkers or feed it to the dog.... that way it's not completely…
  • I always get a pack of sunflower seeds still in the shell and an ice tea for road trips. It's never let me down~ Try to go with protein, something that sits a little in your stomach for a while. Carbs get digested too quickly and we all know it is way too easy to down an entire bag of pretzels when they are in arms reach…
  • I'm not sure I buy this "starvation mode"; unless you are taking it too extremes everyday. Our bodies are designed to bounce back quickly. You stomach growling is a good thing though it means that your body is asking for food. Give it a small meal and it will quiet quicker than you think :) It is frustrating that we have…