help I dont know how to stop!

I got in a fight with my mother and the first thing i did was break all the healthy rules i have made for myself and went to sonic to eat a large popcorn chicken a soda and chili cheese tots. What can i do? I don't know how to change! How do i stop eating from stress and emotion, or what can i do to make it better?

ANY help or advice would be great thanks!


  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    Only you can control yourself. If you truely want it, then you have to take control of yourself.
  • BlessedandBeautifulBrown
    i go work out when i am stress.. cause right now i am so feeling you .. but i refused to give in to the tempation of the bad food.. instead i will work it out at the gym..

    Cause you are only putting a band aide on it..

    Work off your stress and hopefully you can sit down and talk to your mom..
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    next time you feel something like that coming on, go outside for a walk.... or call a friend, email a friend... hell, email me. I'll talk to you. You just have to do something positive. This trains you to react in a positive way to stress. Hope you find something that works :)
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    That only depends on you, you need to understand that food doesn't give you comfort despite what you may think.
  • Jiv7
    Jiv7 Posts: 36
    it sounds dumb but it works.
    Next time you get up set give yourself 5 minutes to breathe. Think about why youre upset and how getting junk food is going to make that better. You'll realize it wont make it better. I tend to be an emotional eater as well, now I carry pictures on my phone of my husband as well as fitness models to remind why I am doing this. I hope this helps! feel free to add me as well!
  • xinahay123
    First off, congrats for knowing yourself well enough to know this. It is half the battle. Secondly, experiment with other things that might make you feel better. This might sound crazy but have an emergency plan. Call someone that you can trust before you turn to bingeing. Emotional eating is tough to break, but it can be done, and you will do it! Let go of the mistake, it is over, you cannot undue it.

    Friend me if you need support!
  • hazedot
    hazedot Posts: 111 Member
    I know this problem well. I also have many problems with my mother. The trick to not eating your body weight in junk food is to find some other way to channel your anger and frustration. I learned to find music which would channel those feelings for me and now after listening to a particular album or a few songs, I feel calm again and I don't want to stuff my face in order to feel better.
    I really hope this helps, feel free to friend me!
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    When i'm mad I go out and run until I forget why I was mad in the first place. Remember "If its not hunger food isn't going to fix it."
    -Iforgotwhereiheardthis lol
  • LoraLuck
    LoraLuck Posts: 5 Member
    Forgive yourself. We are human... try your best to break this habit, but don't fall to pieces. You will just spiral down if you are an emotional eater.

    Until you can separate emotions and food, just try avoiding stressful situations that trigger eating.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    I've tried so many different things that people have advised...
    "Munch on veggies"
    "Do yoga"
    "Read a book"
    "Keep busy to get your mind off of it"
    But for me, the most effective method for coping with stress in a non-binging way is to take my mp3 player, go outside, and walk and brood for as long as I need to. Even if it's dark, even if it's raining, I just need to gtfo of my house or dorm and going outside and seeing how unaffected nature is by my stress reminds me of how very trivial my own anger is.
    But that's just what works for me.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Instead of going to Sonic.....go to the park and take a long walk or run. Or go to the library or video store and get a workout video and do it. Or go to the gym if you can. Find something else to to to occupy yourself other than eat. If certain foods are just too tempting, then don't have them around you AT ALL. It takes at least 3 weeks to break a bad habit/ start a new keep working hard to stay on the right track. :)
    PHYYOU Posts: 11 Member
    If you are where you can, when you get upset go outside and take a walk, ride a bike or just stroll and get some fresh air. If you have a friend that you can get with to walk or other exercise that you enjoy it will help work some of the frustration out plus you will get some exercise. You will always feel better afterward about everything.
  • jule_sea
    Congratulations, I know that doesn't seem right at the moment, but you have taken the first step and realized that the problem is emotional eating. These are the things that I do instead: go for a walk, heck if you have to walk or bike ride to the Sonic that is 5-10 miles away and then home you have at least worked it off, write a journal entry about it to let go of the frustration, find a replacement food that will work for you in this situation, in other words allow yourself to indulge (being here is a lifetime change, and there are going to be times where you need something that is a comfort food). Finally, accept it, record it, and move on. Its in the past, learn from it, maybe even take a kick boxing class tonight, but most important know that you are doing well. Keep up the good work.

    <3 Jules
  • coracbeck
    I have learned that if I'm already feeling bad because of some non-food event, eating bad food is going to make me feel 100 times worse! I think before I eat of how hard I've been working and make the decision to walk away... literally. Walk, run, whatever your preferred work out is. THAT will make you feel great about yourself twofold - you're doing something great for your body and you've exercised the stress away! Best of luck!!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    the only way I have been able to control things like that is to JUST DO IT.. literally.. there is no magic way of thinking or motivation that helps you to change your way of thinking and that helps your control.. you just have to do it.. dont let your emotions win.. maybe do something else. remember that your feelings that your feeling at that moment will go away but the popcorn chicken in your belly wont!
  • happymiche
    happymiche Posts: 164 Member
    Refocus your emotions...when you want to eat out of stress/anger/sadness, find something productive and healthy to do. Work out, clean, get some fresh air, even eat some fresh fruit. Eventually you'll immediately WANT to do these things instead of pigging out when a stressful situation arises. It's tough at first, and takes lots of inner strength, but once you do it one time, the 2nd will be a little bit easier :)
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    Most people don't gain weight because they just loooove eating crappy food. Most of us gain wait because we're comforting ourselves with food or eating when we're emotional. It's great that you're here and trying to eat better and lose the weight. I know that you know that one bad day isn't going to derail that train, but you're right, in order to have long lasting effects and be able to keep going and stay healthy, you have to disconnect emotion from food.

    There is always a reason behind the reason that we have weight problems. My advice is to look into getting someone professional to talk to. Dig deeper inside and see what's making you grab fried food when you're upset. You deserve to reap the benefits of your hard work and not have arguments or bad days hold you back from being healthy.

    My husband is on a medically monitored liquid diet and as part of his personal plan he is seeing a very nice therapist outside of that program who has been able to help him stop eating out of fear or eating emotionally or just eating without thinking. It is certainly worth looking into.

    Good luck!
  • Msvanderp
    Msvanderp Posts: 2 Member
    Working out, as much as it seems too difficult to fathom in times of emotional stress is actually a really good way of alleviating it. When I get home from a 13 hr work day as an ICU nurse taking abuse from ungrateful patients and doctors all day, all I wanna do is eat any carbs and fat I get my fingers on. The last thing I wanna do is work out. But one day I forced myself to get on a treadmill and run and I ran and ran and thought about all the people who'd pissed me off that day and after 20 minutes and 200 calories burned, I felt great. I didn't even want to eat after that. But anyway, just try it sometime.
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 256 Member
    I got in a fight with my mother and the first thing i did was break all the healthy rules i have made for myself and went to sonic to eat a large popcorn chicken a soda and chili cheese tots. What can i do? I don't know how to change! How do i stop eating from stress and emotion, or what can i do to make it better?

    ANY help or advice would be great thanks!

    Oooh, I can totally relate.

    I just gave up smoking 26 days ago. I used to smoke first thing in the morning, after every meal, while socialising and - of course - when stressed.

    The way I gave up was to ----stop associating smoking with these things ----. For example, I no longer associated the end of a meal with a cigarette, I used chewing gum instead to begin with. Then water. Now I'm ok with nothing.
    It was the association that AUTOMATICALLY lead me to a cigarette, whether I physically wanted it or not.
    Once I removed the association, I realised that the physical addiction is very slight.

    It's a change of attitude and associations that's needed.
    Best of luck!
  • darlalu00
    darlalu00 Posts: 187 Member
    I workout when someone or something upsets me. By the time I'm done I forgot what I was upset about or at least I realize it was that bad. I also call a friend or sister to talk to. Good Luck