Rowanana Member


  • Stayed in the green yesterday, went to bed on time, but didn't get 10k steps. Today is looking pretty crappy. I got in major trouble as soon as I got into work... I screwed up some things which will make them late. It's definitely my fault, but I still wish I didn't feel so crappy and anxious. After a point that's…
  • @Bex953172 WELP. On the upside it sounds like you've used up all your bad luck for the next week or so. That's how it works, right? ....Right!? @HGSmith0920 Give up peanut butter entirely... wow. You're stronger women than I. I did less-than-optimal today too. Got into work and there was cake and doughnuts. It's so tough…
  • I still exist! At least a little! I've actually been tracking food the last two days, just haven't had time to do much else because work got busy... did fine yesterday but was 300 over on Tuesday. Anyway today: Track everything Probably don't have time to exercise, but at least get 10k steps in! Computer off by 12:30 AM…
  • @HGSmith0920 That sounds FABULOUS. Thank you for sharing! I'll have to check out the site sometime.
  • All right, yesterday was a mixed bag. I did track everything and stayed in the green, and I did my bodyweight fitness routine. But I didn't make my cauliflower and I didn't get to bed until 2:20 AM. Yikes. I don't start work until 10:30 so it didn't make me late, but that's still 1.5 hours later than I wanted to sleep.…
  • Better to rest it for a while and see if it goes away. It's rarely worth risking injury. Is there any exercise you can do that wouldn't stress it? Upper body stuff or swimming or something?
  • Excellent! Thanks guys for being so welcoming! @Bex953172: I do have a scale but I'm not always going to be using it. I have a somewhat decent idea of portions because I was really strict about tracking for a year or two when I lived alone, so that helps. And using the scale is a hurdle that keeps me from tracking at all…
  • May I join in? Been having trouble starting logging then quitting then starting again, and having accountability and a group of friends to talk to would be quite helpful! Just for Monday (now that Monday is 2/3 over): Track everything, even if I'm not 100% sure the measurements are right- habit first, perfectionism later…
  • Just because other people have 'worse' cases of ED doesn't mean you don't have one, and definitely doesn't mean you should aspire to become like them before you seek help. I used that faulty line of reasoning with depression for a long time before I sought help and now I really wish I'd snapped out of it sooner. You know…
  • Yeah, I definitely still plan on eating with them even when I make my own food. I like my parents, I just don't want to eat what they eat every night. Once or twice a week would be fine. I think the problem is that they feel like I'm judging them, like bozzalozza said. I haven't said their foods are unhealthy, but they are…
  • Cottage cheese is a great one for protein, and you can have a little fruit with it if you're ok with a few carbs. Also string cheese and eggs.
  • Just tried the mint chocolate flavour. It tastes pretty good but it goes from hard-to-eat ice to -gross-sticky-melty-gunk in 30 seconds flat. Ugh. If you have no qualms about creepy textures and can eat really fast, go for it. I probably won't get it again though, which is a shame because the taste is really quite nice.