passwar Member


  • Sometimes the flu is the closest I get to a vacation.
  • If your husband is indeed "eternally pessimistic" then it doesn't matter what answers you get because it wont change him from being eternally pessimistic. That's what eternally means. I'd be hesitant to leave house plants alone with someone that negative.
  • Right 4 long into right 2 tightens I'm not sure he knows that car is RWD.
    in road ethics Comment by passwar June 2013
  • in road ethics Comment by passwar June 2013
  • People have the legal option to drive in the exit lane as long as it's still a lane with a dashed line. If it's a more efficient way to get where you're going then what's the problem? I still don't understand why you would sit at the back of the line being angry when you have the option to drive past the whole mess. I…
    in road ethics Comment by passwar June 2013
  • Honest question here,... Why don't you "travel in the exit lane to avoid traffic, then get back into lane right at the end"? Why does doing that make somebody a jerk?
    in road ethics Comment by passwar June 2013
  • Will your kids be better off with a pill popping weekend dad, or in a home where you have some control?