parenting & exercising question



  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I started allowing mine to baby sit at about age 12, depending on the kid. My 13 year old son just took a Safe Sitter course at the fire department so he's clear to babysit the youngest (age 9). The Safe Sitter program is for kids age 12-16 if I remember correctly and is a great program. They learn first aid, CPR, behavior management, how to be safe themselves, how to handle different situations, etc. They are tested on all of it and have to pass to get their card and the CPR/First Aid is all hands on. If you have a kid old enough to baby sit, I highly recommend the course.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    My kids are 4 and 6 and I won't even go in my garage to exercise when they're asleep (its set back from my house and my treadmill is right at the back) as I would hate to think they were shouting for me and I couldn't hear them.

    I also have this fear of there being a fire and I couldn't get back in the house to help them
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I will leave my 13 year old step-daughter babysitting the others who are 3, 7, 9 and 10. We are just starting to leave the 10 year old home alone for 30 minutes or so at a time. But I don't leave the younger ones alone... I work out in my house, though, unless I'm running. I only run when they're all in school/daycare or my husband is home.

    EDIT: My 13 y/o SD took a babysitting course at 11yrs old with first aid and stuff. She babysits for guests of the hotel where her step dad works too and babysits her two sibs (9 & 10) all the time.
  • LePetitCochon
    It would depend on the age and maturity of the children. For me, I am able to leave my children at home when I go to the gym and when I go for a run in the neighborhood. I use the Road ID app when I'm running in the neighborhood and my younger child can watch my progress on the computer. Good luck. I know it's a difficult decision to make.

    (FYI -- I HIGHLY suggest that app for anyone who runs/bikes/hikes, etc. -- you can email/text someone your route info and give a time limit for your outing. It sends an alert if you are stationary for 5 mins and they can also watch your progress online.)

    I've heard some GREAT things about the RoadID app's only available for Apple so far........STUPID APPLE!
  • NeverCatchYourBreath
    I am in no way contributing to this conversation in a productive way. I'm just stopping by to say my dad used to leave us in the house alone when he would go run up and down the street. that was when me and my brother were 3 and 4, respectively. Doesn't seem like a smart move but I'm still alive lol. We used to just stare out the window and watch him. He got sprayed by a skunk one time doing that, maybe it was karma... lol
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    I usually just have the 5 year old watch the 2 year old.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    my kids are 7, 5 and 3. i think i could leave the 7yo home alone for 30 mins max (again, 2 big dogs, doors lock kind of scenario, movie on- i've done this twice when she's been sick and i've needed to nip to the shop, and the other 2 have been at school and kindy). the other 2 definitely not. I've got around this by buying a cheap cross trainer ($20) and i have this in the garage so i can get a cardio workout in at home. I've also got a few DVDs and some weights that i can do in a pinch. I will always prefer running outside, but it's not always possible.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    My 13 years old no problem but I not with my 6 years old. I exercise at lunch time or bring the little one to the gym daycare.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    After a disagreement with my eternally pessimistic husband this AM, I have a question for any parents out there who leave the house to exercise...

    Do you ever leave your children at home alone just to go exercise? If so, are they sleeping at the time and how old are they?

    I know single parents out there may have the best answers for me, and I'm just curious what people's replies are.

    Usually don't have that option. I either have my 3 year old occupied while I exercise at home, or incorporate my exercise into play with her (chasing the ball, running, etc). EVery once in a while, I may leave her with her Dad on the weekend to run, but rarely.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I remember being 5 and being left alone with my 6 year old cousin and 7 year old brother. I survived, though I'm not sure how. They were really mean to me. With that being said, I don't think my 3, 6 or 7 year old are mature enough to stay home alone. The 7 year old would be okay by himself, but not with the others. My 11 year old daughter is more than mature enough to survive an hour or so by herself. It really depends on the child and their maturity level.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I usually go to the gym during my lunch hour at work... however, since mine is only 2, I will take her with me on walks or I will leave her at home with her dad usually while she is napping.
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Not a parent yet but I'd say around 12 would be my limit for leaving a kid alone. Just basing that off when I grew up so maybe that will change by the time the issue comes up.
  • ladylaume
    ladylaume Posts: 81 Member
    Ive got 3 kids 3, 5, 7 I also live next door to my grandparents. I would never leave them by there selves to go work out but If Im going to run up and down the street (small dead end street) My kiddos are either outside or in my grandmas back yard playing. If I leave in the morning before the kiddos get up I lock the doors but My husband is usually home too if the kids need something they can wake him up so I guess no Id never leave them without some sort of Adult around....
  • jwebster45206
    jwebster45206 Posts: 5 Member
    If it's an option, look into joining a gym that has childcare available instead. My kids love it and look forward to it!
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    My husband and I will leave our daughters (7 and 9) home alone for 30 minutes when we run. We live out in the sticks, and our running route (3 miles max) circles around our neighborhood. They've been drilled and redrilled on safety (when (and when not) to call 911, which phone numbers are safe to answer on caller ID, never answer or even go to the door). We also have a nice big dog with a nice big bark.

    In addition to this, we both have our cell phones with us at all times and our cell phone numbers are posted near the phone in the house. We often communicate with them every few minutes on the run.

    I doubt I would have left them alone any younger than this, but they are smart girls and I think you've really got to look at maturity as well as age. In my state, there isn't a law determining a minimum age to be left alone. I certainly wouldn't leave them home alone and drive to the gym or the grocery store, but walking around the neighborhood, sure.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    My parents didn't leave to exercise, but they left early to go to work. I would stay home alone from 3rd grade until high school. I had to wake myself up, get ready, have breakfast, and get myself out on time to the bus. I would also have to come home let myself in, get a snack and do my homework and my brother would be home @4:30 from sports practices and my parents would get home around 5:30. Kids shouldn't have to take care of themselves so much. But they are certainly capable. Leaving the house, to go run the neighborhood, or go to your gym while they are still sleeping; I see nothing wrong with that. Lock the house up tight and make sure they know where you are and that you have a phone on you just in case they need you.
  • passwar
    passwar Posts: 8 Member
    After a disagreement with my eternally pessimistic husband this AM, I have a question....

    If your husband is indeed "eternally pessimistic" then it doesn't matter what answers you get because it wont change him from being eternally pessimistic. That's what eternally means.

    I'd be hesitant to leave house plants alone with someone that negative.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Can you crate them when you go out?
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Not a parent yet but I'd say around 12 would be my limit for leaving a kid alone. Just basing that off when I grew up so maybe that will change by the time the issue comes up.

    I think this definitely comes into play in terms of a parents' comfort level. Both my husband and I were "latch-key kids" in the 80s, meaning that we'd get off the bus alone in the afternoon and be there until our parents came home from work. I became a LKK when my sister went to college. I was in 3rd grade. Remembering my own comfort level and what I was taught at the time definitely was a factor when testing our kids out being home alone for a few minutes (I don't leave them for more than 30 minutes when I run).
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Can you crate them when you go out?

    Yes. If you put peanut butter on the bone, it'll keep them good for like... 12 hours.