hrod215 Member


  • Running/cardio sucked indoors, too cold to run outdoors (Im prone to spasms due to poor circulation), so I invested in a treadmill, cycling bike, weight bench and a Tempo fitness gym. I may not be able to squat over 100+ with this current equipment but buying 25lb and 45lb plates can easily remedy that when I get to those…
  • Hubby got me (us? lol) the Tempo, wireless ear buds and a new fitness watch (I blow through 1 every year for some reason). I got myself a treadmill. Having restrictions at the gym really cut into my 'me time' and hubby felt so bad. He really nailed it this year. :)
  • I can relate! If I could choose where it comes off first I'd be so happy! Lol but the good news is, it will go away. If you want to see slightly faster results, pick up some weights. They dont have to be heavy, you can just do more reps in each set. Muscle helps burn fat faster. I wear tank over my sports bra because my…
  • Ahhhh, vacation. A word I MISS! Every little bit counts, I think you're doing great considering what's going on out there. I wish I had a green thumb!
  • 1200 cals is basically the bare minimum required to keep the body running assuming you arent moving much during the day. If you add in a walk or other exercises, you should be upping your calories. You'll still lose weight as long as you aren't entering maintenance (about 2000 cals) or weight gain (2000+) numbers. You can…
  • It's perfectly okay to be able to find the silver lining in all of this craziness. I know there's a bit of "survivor's guilt" involved but for one's mental health, everyone should be proud of being able find something positive. Good on you for being able to do that!
  • I'm definitely missing my lifting sessions at the gym. I never got around to getting my home gym up to date and now I'm just trying to make due with body weight and lower weight/higher rep exercises. I also need a swift kick in the pants and luckily my old trainer took me on as a client again. It helped me get focused…
  • Love the self-care! Congrats to you.
  • Yes, the office freebies were always tough to pass up! I have kids and still get tempted but I make my husband hide the snacks so I dont go foraging lol!
  • This is something I struggled with when I started working from home. I was getting on earlier and staying on later. I had to make the decision to create boundaries. If I wake up at 7 or 8am, I'll do a quick run or workout and just enjoy some me time before logging on. Or I'll shut down at exactly 5 or 6, make dinner then…
  • What program are you trying out? I definitely see the difference. Great job!
  • Images and numbers on a scale can be deceiving. Someone you see with an ideal physique may look like they are 120lbs but if they lift weights, they may be 130-140. Gaining muscle gives the body certain aesthetics. I'm not talking body building, that's a whole other thread. :) Losing weight alone may not be the recipe you…
  • Preach sister! Housework over flowers any damn day!
  • I know nothing about this as I struggle to figure out how to recomp without losing too much weight myself. Wishing you the best of luck and I'll help bump this post.
  • You look amazing! Your aesthetic is what I'm striving for. Care to share your workouts, diet, stats with me, please? I'm stuck! I don't really care to lose weight, I just want some gains and a 🍑 half as nice as yours. 😁
  • Robert Irvine's Fitcrunch peanut butter crunch bars. You know that feeling when something just tastes way too good and it can't possibly be healthy for you? Well I get that euphoric feeling everytime I have a bar. Its seriously like eating a candy bar but with all the protein and hardly any sugar. Kinda pricey but picked…
  • Tall, great smile, smells good, funny and self-assured/confident in his space. Not in an alpha male way but a relaxed 'I'm a grown *kitten* man and I get *kitten* done' kind of way. Lol!
  • Asian cabbage stir fry... my whole family enjoyed this one. When I'm stumped I just refer to the site and go through their recipes.
  • Everyone carries weight differently so I'd love to see pics of anyone can share. I'm 5'6 and my starting weight more recently was 165. I hold weight in the midsection and my cheeks lol. I've gotten down to 132 and wasn't very happy with how gaunt I looked. I gained a bit of weight, got to 148 and bam! My midsection took…
  • After a bulk, I'm starting a cut. I can't flex my legs at the same time as my upper body :D (I was tired from a workout) but I've got some muscle action going on there too. Pretty excited to see where I am in the next few months.
  • Awesome that you stuck with it even after a breakup. Keeping busy and focusing on yourself really does help heal the heart. You look great and I'm right there with you hoping to see my abs for the first time in my life! Keep up the amazing work!
  • Not sure if this qualifies as a 'recomp' but I had gotten down to 132lbs. I'm 5'5" and thought that being thinner is what I wanted. As you can see from my pic wearing the blue workout pants, I was just skinny. I had no curves and frankly I looked a little unwell. So I started eating a bit more and focused on lifting…
  • That's very insightful. Didn't think to do grams:lbs ratio. I will give that a shot and see where I net out. Fat is also something I can never keep in check (avocado, olive oil, etc.). I'm not trying to lose tons of weight. I ideally want to stay within the 135-140 range while getting rid of the fat and replacing with some…
  • Can we swap?!?! I've just changed to the same macros but 50:protein, 35:carb and 15:fat and I always end up with too many carbs. You can pull all my carb secrets out of my diary if you'd like.
  • Have you updated your weight in the goals? I've noticed when I happily track a new weight MFP defaults to it's own macros. I've had to manually fix it quite a few times.
  • In each of your workouts you are accomplishing something different. Workout A is more cardio focused which is why you find yourself out of breath. Workout B is more strength and recovery focused. You are going long periods of time with med-high resistance causing you to use your muscles more and burning more energy, which…
  • That sucks! But sometimes it takes a blessing in disguise to become the best person we can be. You got this!
  • Awesome progress, way to go!!! May I ask what exercises you are doing those 3 days a week?