

  • Well I am back! It's the start of a new year and a new lifestyle!!!!! Happy New Year everyone!!!!
  • Hey don't beat yourself up! Today is a new day. Don't dwell on something that you can't change just tell yourself it's okay and I will get back in the saddle right now. And maybe you will overindulge on Saturday so maybe try to get in a little longer workout on that day. Then Sunday comes and you will be right back at it…
  • I guess they can't help it after all they are the weaker sex!:laugh:
  • Hey you gorgeous mama!!!! It's Barb or Barbidoll which is my moniker! Tomorrow will be one week and I think I have about five others who have joined as well. Tomorrow will also be the moment of truth because I'm stepping on the scale. Wish me luck. I have to get a picture to post yet so I am faceless. Hope you are having a…