Totally Blew It

I wasn't going to post this, but then I figured the one of the first steps to making changes is the accountability, so, here it goes.....I went (GASP) 1,600 calories over today. What the heck is wrong with me? It started off as just wanting a chocolaty snack while watching one of my thing I know my show is over and I'm still munching! I'm SO depressed now, because I know I'm going to be doing bad on Saturday when we celebrate mothers day. I do even WORSE when I'm around my family. So basically I'm screwed diet wise until Sunday. I feel like I'm never going to get this weight off!!! :cry: Does anyone ever get the messed up feeling that they don't deserve to lose the weight?


  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    I wasn't going to post this, but then I figured the one of the first steps to making changes is the accountability, so, here it goes.....I went (GASP) 1,600 calories over today. What the heck is wrong with me? It started off as just wanting a chocolaty snack while watching one of my thing I know my show is over and I'm still munching! I'm SO depressed now, because I know I'm going to be doing bad on Saturday when we celebrate mothers day. I do even WORSE when I'm around my family. So basically I'm screwed diet wise until Sunday. I feel like I'm never going to get this weight off!!! :cry: Does anyone ever get the messed up feeling that they don't deserve to lose the weight?
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    It's good to be accountable for our mistakes. I also went over today, and I knew it would happen when I decided to have 300 calories worth of sour gummy worms tonight. I was running around all evening, running a theatrical production that goes on this weekend, and I was stressed and I wanted my candy.

    So, back to the topic of accountability. One part of being accountable is to recognize our mistakes after the fact. Another part is to recognize that we are the only ones in control of what we do before we do it. As much as our families and friends may be "feeders," we are the ones who say "ok, I'll have some of that," and put the food in our mouths.

    Rather than going into this weekend resigned to the fate of going over again and again, why not see these days as the challenge: if you can stay on track through a weekend with family, what can't you do?

    Temptation will never vanish from our lives. Neither will stress. The only thing we can change is the way we react. I know that not everybody appreciates my advice, but why don't you come up with an action plan to get through the weekend without feeling that your weight loss effort has been derailed?

    One thing I do when I have a challenging day ahead of me is to make a list with 2 columns: on the left side, I have all the obstacles to my success; on the right, I have what I will do to get past them. To use the example of food during a visit to my family, I know that my top three obstacles are as follows:

    1. munching late at night with my mother
    2. visiting the fridge throughout the day just because I'm bored
    3. gorging on bread at a restaurant when we go out for lunch (especially sweet cheese bread)

    My action plan for getting through the weekend is:

    1. go to bed early - I can hang out with mom in the morning, when neither of us is as munchy.
    2. get out of the house during the afternoon, get the family engaged on something other than eating.
    3. "Just say no." It's easier for me not to have a single bite than to ONLY have a single bite.

    When I don't eat something like sweet cheese bread or a big piece of my dad's incredible lasagna, my family sometimes thinks I'm "on one of my diets" or being a bit "holier-than-thou," but I know that they love me whether or not I eat everythng they offer me. And I'm sure yours feels the same way about you!

    At any rate, good luck - and know that I am not posting this as any kind of indictment of your behavior. I'm just trying to offer a new way of thinking about a problem that a lot of us have.

  • sbacon1203
    sbacon1203 Posts: 307 Member
    Be positive to yourself, the glass is half full.

    What I do is, before it goes into my mouth it gets logged on to see if my choice is a good one, if not I change what I want to eat :wink:

    One evening I really wanted an individual Donato's thin crust pepperoni pizza I had around 400 cal left for the day, I thought it would be no problem, checked the calories for the pizza and it was over 600 calories YEAKS, so I made my own.

    100 cal Thomas English muffin
    40 cal Hunt's tomatoe sauce, garlic salt & dehy onion
    40 cal low cal Moz cheese 1 Tbl on each half

    Place under broiler till Golden Brown. Much better choice for me not quite the same but it worked!

    You can do it :drinker:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    YOU GO GIRL! Congrats about admitting yesterday was tricky. But seriously, it wasn't that bad! You didn't go out and have six Whataburgers and an onion ring with a shake! :*) So you went a few over. Plan your work out today, even if it is jogging in place for 3 sets of 15 minutes in front of the TV. Right? At night if I ate something *bad*, I just do that to add onto my exercise for the day. I did this the other day and I think I have a very "glass is full" attitude.

    I ate 6 Oreos (gasp!) the other day...So I worked out with every one's instructions, drank tons of water, and moved on to the next day. It was great to admit, and move on. :*)

    At least you didn't go 1939 over! Right? Drink up water today and let us know how your day goes!
  • Barbidoll
    Barbidoll Posts: 5
    Hey don't beat yourself up! Today is a new day. Don't dwell on something that you can't change just tell yourself it's okay and I will get back in the saddle right now. And maybe you will overindulge on Saturday so maybe try to get in a little longer workout on that day. Then Sunday comes and you will be right back at it (but don't feel guilty about Saturday because that will only make you mope around and feel bad.) Believe me I've gone around on this over and over again and beat yourself up never works. Good luck!
  • fynendandi1
    fynendandi1 Posts: 122 Member
    Wow, beating yourself up like that is not going to help you loose anything except confidence in your self, and we do not want to see you do that. So what...... you went over yesterday...don't miss a beat, go right back on it. It happens but the only time it is that awful is when you don't go right back to eating the right foods,when you quit. So just take a deep breathe look at your self in the mirror and tell your self that you don't only deserve to look and feel your best but you are going to!!! Have a great day.
    P.S. I love chocolate too!!!:wink: