

  • How did the 21 day cleanse work for you? I have been using Herbalife for about 3 weeks :drinker: , and am thinking about doing the cleanse.
  • I just got on the Herbalife band wagon this past Saturday. I have lost almost 3 pounds and my stomach does not seem to "pouch" out as much. I have not taken any real measurements yet. I do the aloe, tea, and the shake twice a day. I also ordered the Themo Bond, which will be in tomorrow. The wild berries and the vanilla…
  • He told me to lay off beer and wine due to the kcals and carbs. Scotch and vodka are less in calories and carbs/sugars. I usually drink lager's and ales which start at 168 kcals with 14.8g of carbs. I usually have 3-4 on weeknights and 6 if i go out on the weekend which ranges from 504-1008 kcals. So, I know drink 1 oz…
  • I am so sorry to hear that. I went to a site and found this, maybe it will help. http://www.nutristrategy.com/activitylist.htm I don't know how old your kids are, but if they are old enough, here are some ideas that you can do with the kids: Tag Chase Flag Football (need quite a few kids and maybe some adults)
  • Here is what my doctor told me...lay off beer and wine. I love good beers especially Belgium's. I like to come home from a hard day teaching high school kids and have 2-3 drinks. Scotch and water is ok, or 1 shot of vodka mixed with 1 6.75 oz. of Topo Chico Mineral Water (per drink) and a twist of fresh lime.
  • Here is the staples that I always buy: Fresh spinach Mushrooms Bell Pepper (Green) Broccoli (eaten raw) kohlrabi (eaten raw) bok choi (eaten raw) Celery Carrots (eaten raw) Herbs (great for flavoring any soups and especially fish) Hummus Mootopia fat free milk (12g of protein) Suncrystals (better than splenda) Tuna in pkg…
  • Make sure to have a post workout protein shake and eat a banana, the potassium, for some reason helps with the lactic acid, which helps with the soreness. Don't eat to many of them...they are high in sugar. This will not take it away, but may help. Make sure that you are getting recovery time. Are you doing circuit…
  • Dietary fiber is the common name for cellulose which is non-digestable, therefore it is not absorbed into the body and becomes waste matter in the large intestine. I could be wrong but if memory serves me correctly from my college days, the answer to "does fiber offset the carbs,' is no. The total carbs on the nutrition…
  • My husbands lifts and bodybuilds. His diet typically consumes of: Breakfast: Protein and Oatmeal with 3 hard boiled eggs Snack: Protein Shake 4-6 scoops Lunch: Tuna, 3 Hard boiled eggs, brown rice or another whole grain, raw broccoli Snack: Protein Shake and Pre work out drink Post work out: Protein 4-6 scoops Dinner: 3-4…
  • Don't get discouraged. I am a teacher too, so I feel your frustration. Be careful with the fruit. While fruit is very good, it can also be very high in sugar, which can be stored as fat if not burned. My next question would be are you lifting weights or doing strength training, if so that could be your culprit for the…
  • Mine is good beers. I have switched to vodka (1 shot = 56 kcal) and mineral water (topo chico) which is 56 calories. A lot better than my beers which run 150 kcal plus.
  • Thank you so much for the info. I eat a lot of wild game, so these sites were very helpful. :smile:
  • South beach works pretty good. I did it about 4 years ago, and dropped about 35 pounds.
  • I too have had an issue with this. Last night at Whataburger. In college, I did an internship with a nutritionist, and when working with clients one of the most common reasons for binge eating, aside from emotional eating, was eating out "boredom," or mindless eating :noway: . Most of our clients would say that, they did…