Beautiful x
UK Gal here :-) *Waves Hello* xx
Waist and randomly my fingers as my wedding ring started getting loose lol. xx
You look amazing wow!!! Way to go chick! x
You look amazing hun xxx
Ermmmmmmm WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous way to go girl! xx
Thanks hun! Message greatly appreciated :) xx
Amazing girl well done!
Wow you look amazing and younger too! Way to go!!! x
You look amazing well done !!! x
The quiz says - You Scored as Goofy Your alter ego is Goofy! You are fun and great to be around, and you are always willing to help others. You arn't worried about embarrassing yourself, so you are one who is more willing to try new things.
Dory xx
WOW WOW WOW! Well done girly! xx
Ooooooooo its so wrong but oh so nice :P x
Ruddy hell check you out girl! Well done!!!!
WOWZA girl check you out!!!! xxxx
You look amazing girl well done!!! xx
I got married nearly 3weeks ago im 20! We also have 2 children we always wanted too marry eachother n infact i married my best friend <3 This was the perfect age for us way i see it is age is just a number its the maturity within the person that matters xxx
WOW!!! Amazing!!!
Well done you have done so well x
WOW!!! Love seeing the pics of people really spurs me on :-) xx
Added you im a mummy of 2 from England :-)
Yes i do but that's mostly when i am sweaty so know ive worked hard x
It is the best i am rubbish at dancing even though i love it but when i first went too zumba i was so clueless but everytime i kept going my body just went with it and since then i now know most moves apart from obviously the ones she adds in lol! Defiantly recommend it too everyone its a right laugh and so fun xxxx
Ewwww coffee!!!!! the person below me would like too go on Xfactor?