

  • Thank you all. I didn't even know about weight vests, the one I would want is out of my price range at the moment but I will be saving up for it as I suspect I will want it in about 4 months if I can keep up with what I'm doing. The backpack I`ve got is well fitted to me and doesn't give me any issues, the weights are well…
  • you realise that 20 years ago you could swim a mile without thinking, now your to embarrassed to go to the local pool with your daughter.
  • thank you for all your responses. I realise that the last thing I want is for my body to think I`m fasting but there are times when I`m just not hungry. the thing is that for about 40 years I`ve eaten whatever I wanted without worrying about the consequences its only been in the past year that I have actually started…