You know you're fat when...



  • HealthyDreamy
    HealthyDreamy Posts: 42 Member
    When your trousers or tights rub at the top of your thighs making that brushing noise so people can hear you coming.

    Eating out and eating dirty and everyone looking as if....ahh obviously she eats that rubbish all the time.

    Having a wardrobe full of clothes youd love to wear but having to stick to the same 5-10 outfits all the time.

    Sitting next to the skinny girl on the train and her giving you dirty looks cause youve taken up most the seat,

    You run a few paces and feel like your heart is going to explode, when your boyfriend is off in the distance and can go for another 30 mins at a great pace.

    Having to say no to cake when out with your friends as obviously you have already over the last few years eaten waaaaay too much cake.

    Avoiding nights out as the people you will see saw you when you were a lot skinnier.

    Feeling awkward when a super fit girl sits near you and your man when your out.

    To name but a few lol!! ;0)
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    Just an observation:
    Some of these are just physical realities and we're working on them. I've experienced some of them and many of them are just NSVs waiting to happen! (I just realized I don't do the pillow thing anymore, and it made me feel great!)

    Some of these you can change today by letting go of your own insecurities (me too, no judgement). Decide to step out and take a risk, be in the photo, go to the gym and know that you "belong", go out with your friends, smile etc.

    A HUGE step in my journey has been finding confidence, I've seen many people lose weight and actually become less happy! Lots of people think they'll be happy or people will like them more or they'll be more successful or whatever once they're thin, but you're still you, and that can be a let down for some people. If you can be confident NOW, chub and all, the svelte figure will just be an added bonus; but please don't wait to be thin to live your life to the fullest!


    Losing weight is a lot of mental work too! I couldn't have said this better. Lived and learned!
  • latachuela
    latachuela Posts: 27 Member
    You're family tells you daily that you need to workout, even though you already are....
    I get that also.
  • 08kat
    08kat Posts: 51
    When your profile picture is the wicked witch of the west because you cannot bear to have your picture taken. Oh, and she's much thinner...:laugh:
  • chaosbutterfly
    chaosbutterfly Posts: 71 Member
    When you can be naked from the waist-down without having any of your genitalia actually show.

    ETA: When you weigh more than everyone on your college football team, except for the dudes on the defensive line. And you're not too far behind them.
  • 1. You don't like wearing shorts in public because of cellulite.
    2. When you're sitting, you always put a blanket or pillow in front of you because you don't wanna be exposed.
    3. You avoid taking full-body pictures.
    4. You don't like swimming or going to the beach because bathing suits are a nightmare.
    5. Most of your wardrobe is black because its a slimming color.

    Agree completely...
    Would add
    1. When guys have stopped asking you out on dates/flirting and the guys you are around are usually friends, coworkers or your friends' boyfriends.
    2. When you don't even care about the reason above anymore because you feel invisible to the opposite sex.
    3. When you feel almost guilty being in a group picture with a bunch of your pretty girl friends because you will ruin the picture.
    4. When you no longer share clothes with your girlfriends.
    5. You're nervous to try new things because your weight may actually restrict you, or at the very least you'll look awful doing the activity.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    When you have to rock back and forth to get out of bed and you end up rocking yourself back to sleep.

    :laugh: :sad: :laugh: LOVE IT!
  • brittany16950
    brittany16950 Posts: 6 Member
    For me, my undies shimmy down because the surface area of my hips is greater than the surface area of the fabric. So instead of riding up on my rear, they go downwards.
  • Raybug0903
    Raybug0903 Posts: 86 Member
    chafing of inner thighs.

    This is the worst.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    the only public bathroom you can fit in is the handicap booth
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    .you can't enlarge the seat belt any more
    you can't sit in lawn chairs because they can't handle your weight
  • aidendart
    aidendart Posts: 32 Member
    People hear me coming lol but not for long. I'm silencing my pants! lol
  • ThorneDust
    ThorneDust Posts: 189 Member
    This one happened to me the other day. Went to a restaurant the other day to celebrate mother's day (to a place I adore and haven't been to since I started counting calories because they serve very calorie laden food) and my daughter and I went to the restroom. This is a quite kitchy restaurant with funky stuff all over the walls. In the bathroom was a picture of a 30s or 40s sideshow fat lady on the wall. My daughter saw it and said wow mommy she looks like you! Now, I don't know if she was referring to me at my heaviest (standing in the shadow of 300) or now. But it tore me up either way. These women were billed as being somewhere around 500+ lbs back in the day. Not sure how accurate that was as sideshow folks obviously would want to exaggerate what they had to show, but still. And It's completely possible she was referring to our faces look alike or she's just not used to seeing fat women in photos besides me. But still, when you're getting compared to someone who is so fat she can charge admission. Well, then you know you are fat.
  • boothekm
    boothekm Posts: 60 Member
    When you can't lounge around in your boyfriend's shirt because it's too little for you!!!!

    Self esteem can be bad at any weight. I'm happier with myself now (50 pounds overweight) than I ever was when I was a size 4. Even then, my daddy would tell me I could stand to lose 10 pounds. I'm losing the weight now, because I know it will just be harder in years to come, and I want to be healthy and active!!
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    When you look angry even when your in a good mood, just because the extra fat on your forehead makes you look like you are making an angry face.

    When you go to bed and your double chin makes a big sweaty crease between your neck and your chest.

    Some of these things that yall posted I had completely forgotten about since weight loss. It was fun to look back and remember some of those things and think about how much more will change when I am completely done with weight loss!
  • you give up on wearing jeans
    u cant use a house scale cuz your weight passes it
    u give up on walking and just use a motorized cart

    Ive completley given up on jeans lol
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Oh yeahhhh! And when your doctor (with a cute indian accent) says " Okay.... right now, if I take a knife and cut you from the middle of your forehead all the way down, I would have 2 healthy girls."
  • you realise that 20 years ago you could swim a mile without thinking, now your to embarrassed to go to the local pool with your daughter.
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    When you have to rock back and forth to get out of bed and you end up rocking yourself back to sleep.
    I literally just laughed out loud!!! I know all too much about that.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    When you watch Man vs. Food and feel "I can totally eat that right now!"

    When you are willing to sleep with the "Sandwich King" for a sandwich.