You know you're fat when...



  • buggz68Jen
    buggz68Jen Posts: 4
    When you go on other people's cameras and delete all the pictures of yourself. I do this at my family gatherings.
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    you can't do a yoga pose.. not because your too "tight" but because the rolls of fat literally block you from bending any more.

    Haha! I had this problem just the other night. I keep at it, though. Eventually . . .
  • SianKadie
    SianKadie Posts: 7
    when you feel you don't deserve to have food because you're a fatty
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    1.) When your underwear in the laundry is the first thing you grab and hide right away so your hubby won't see them and your kids won't pretend they are parachutes.

    2.) When even your "comfortable" position in bed leaves you gasping from pain in the morning.

    3.) When your child challenges your hubby, saying he can't pick up mommy... then he insists on trying, but can only get you about an inch off the ground.

    4.) When you decide to buy a bike to ride, make sure the tires are properly filled etc, but when you get on, it looks like you have 2 flat tires.

    5.) When you finally agree to try riding on the back of your hubby's motorcycle and it "bottoms out". Then he blames the shocks while you both know it's that you are just way too heavy.

    6.) When you chaff where your boobs and stomach touch.

    7.) When your child innocently asks in a loud voice in public "Mommy, do you wish you weren't so big?"... and everyone stops and stares, chuckles quietly, or suddenly walks away very quickly.

    8.) When the one thing keeping you from totally thinking you are over the edge is that your knees haven't disappeared completely like your ex's wife's have.

    9.) When you can't walk for more than 5 minutes unless you are hunched over a cart, so even if you are only getting a couple things, you get a cart instead of a basket.

    10.) When you break the weld on an office chair said to be able to withstand 400lbs...

    11.) When you avoid even trying to do a jumping jack for fear of everything in the living room rattling/falling off shelves.

    12.) The first time you turn on Wii Fit Plus and do the body test, and your little avatar goes from short and slightly plump to looking like a huge ball with feet and hands while the system makes a whammy sound and the bar that measures just how you rate on the bmi chart goes all the way up and tells you a number off the chart :(
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    HOW COULD I FORGET! The back boob. Y'know, when you put your bra on and there is a whole chest popping out. Ugh. (It's gone now, mostly!)

    I call them my bat wings! I can't wait until they are gone. It's hard when you have big boobs because the bras have to be tighter to hold 'em up and then it just makes this problem worse.
  • saviarre
    saviarre Posts: 26 Member
    I had to throw a few out there:
    1. When you realize that you not only avoid glancing at reflective surfaces, you've taken the mirror out of your bedroom.
    2. When you can't make eyecontact with your own reflection, let alone anyone to whom you might be speaking.
    3. You avoid leaving the house to go do social activities because you feel judged.
    4. Your most recent ex blamed his inability to... um... you know... salute... because the lights were on and he caught a glimpse of your body and he eventually breaks up with you because he "just isn't attracted to you."
    5. When you can balance a plate on your belly while you're eating.
    6. When you avoid going to lunch with coworkers simply because you're embarrassed that the walk out to the car will have you breathing heavily.
    7. When you avoid going clothes shopping and wear the same outfits every week to work because nothing fits right.
    8. When your 72 year old father can out work you while spending a day gardening.
    9. When you've decided to quit dating by using the excuse "I'd just rather focus on my writing," when in actuality you lack the confidence in yourself and think that because you're larger, nobody will ever love you.
    10. When your facebook has more pictures of your dog than it has of you... and you go through and untag yourself in all of the photos friends have posted simply because every single one of them is unflattering.
    11. When you join MyFitnessPal to help you on your lifestyle change with an overall goal of losing weight like most other users but you refuse to post a picture of yourself because you're fat and you don't want other people to think so too.
  • trishka48
    trishka48 Posts: 51 Member
    I think you need some different friends. The supportive kind :)
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    ALL of the above! Especially the fat thighs rubbing together and wearing your trousers out in that place only!

    I am taking this list as motivation as we have all been there but we are all on mfp doing something about it.

    Will add in:

    When are the twins due?

    When you have your shattered ankle pinned together and they don't have a wheelchair big enough for you to fit into in the whole hospital, so you can go home (this....this was the final straw!!). My mum managed to find one for hire and I started mfp the week after I got home. Sitting in the hired wheelchair, starting my life again!
  • jess_erin
    jess_erin Posts: 69 Member
    you look at a picture of yourself and think "no that can't be!"
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    1. All your pants have "shrunk".

    2. Your Mom wants to take you clothes shopping in the plus size section.

    3. Your legs and feet ache after walking for a while.

    4. You can no longer cross your legs comfortably.

    5. Your heart feels like it's going to explode after a walking up a flight of stairs.

    6. You can no longer get a good night's rest.

    7. Shopping for a new outfit throws you into a state of depression.

    8. You cringe at the idea of a night on the town.

    9. You are blaming allergies for shortness of breath.

    10. High heels are a thing of the past.

    I'm usually making excuses for these things. It's time to face facts. I'm fat. Instead of getting sad about this, I'm gonna turn it around. Hey the reality is that if I lose 10 lbs, half this list disappears! That's motivation enough for me.

    I think I have a girl crush on you now.

    I'll add:

    You get heartburn at night when you never did before.

    The first thing to wear out in your jeans are the thigh seams.

    You look at some of your old cloths and reminisce about how cute you used to look in them.

    You can't believe that's you in your pictures.

    You get stripped shirts when it's hot from your fat roll's sweat (I hated this one most of all).

    You're still wearing maternity clothes on you child's second birthday.
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    - when your favorite kind of pants are yoga pants
    - when your closet is full of different styles of black clothing
    - when u sit down and you can feel your rolls
    - during a work out class you're that person who can't keep up and looks like they're going to fall over
    - when u buy the same thing in diff colors because its hard to find anything that looks right on you and hides your fatness

    Wow, I can go on and on and on lol .....

  • You sit down in the bathtub and suddenly realize your hips touch the sides. When did THAT happen?????
  • tep668
    tep668 Posts: 9 Member
    When you have to rock back and forth to get out of bed and you end up rocking yourself back to sleep.

    That's hilarious!
  • AnderMama88
    AnderMama88 Posts: 49 Member
    When I was in college, my friend had told me about this group of boys her boyfriend hung around with that, when they saw an overweight person anywhere, they would "call" them, or "get dibs" on them by yelling "MY TEAM!" It was a stupid, immature game they got a huge kick out of. When she told me, I couldn't believe how rude they were. Months later, I came home from college, and went to a party at her house. I walked in, and after greeting my friend, the next thing I hear is one of those guys yell "MY TEAM!" And all the others shouting out because they didn't "call" me first. They had no idea I knew what this meant. I was SO embarrassed, I just wanted to leave, but I pretended I didn't hear it, and drank away my feelings :(
  • imp8tient1
    imp8tient1 Posts: 25
    LOVE this....I think the legs not crossing is a great one. You know, I just started some aerobics classes, and I can't believe how fat I look in the mirrors...makes me work harder!
  • imp8tient1
    imp8tient1 Posts: 25
    WOW, congrats on your weight loss!! It's not as easy as putting it on -- to get it off -- but I have enjoyed the challenge. Keep the great work up!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    All of your long sleeve shirts have sleeves that are way too long.
  • imp8tient1
    imp8tient1 Posts: 25
    LOVE it! Mine is when you have trouble getting up off the floor! Oh, and don't forget how uncomfortable the airline seats are!!!
  • My daughter once told me I look like an ogre. I cried while washing the dishes, my husband saw me
    and force her to say sorry to me. ???? I told her, it's fine because it's the truth and Mommy will soon lose all the ogre weight.
  • Your hip line rises.....and your pants can't seem to keep up.