You know you're fat when...



  • joelynyo
    joelynyo Posts: 1
    Story of my life :(
  • peaceissues
    peaceissues Posts: 77 Member
    When i go shopping with my bf i send him away to another store lol. I'm embarrased and i dont want him to knw what size i buy.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Somebody creates a zip code in your honor.

    You create your own gravity field.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    you get up from a chair and it gets up with you.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    People tell you you have beautiful eyes or beautiful hair
    You can shave your armpits in one swipe
    You can commence self-amputation my putting a hair elastic around your wrist
    The girl at mcdonalds asks "the usual?" when you walk in
    Your shirt size has more XXX's than your math test
    People use you for protection at concert mosh pits
    You're lying on the beach and the rest of the beach goers try to push you back into the water
  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    When you have to slide into theater seats sideways because your hips and butt are too large to fit past the arm rests. True story...
  • mreardon614
    mreardon614 Posts: 25
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    You have to hold your breath to tie your shoes.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    When one heart beat sends out waves radiating down to your ankles.
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    People keep asking when you're due...

    That is the WORST!! I'm like ummm, 8yrs ago...
  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    When I was in college, my friend had told me about this group of boys her boyfriend hung around with that, when they saw an overweight person anywhere, they would "call" them, or "get dibs" on them by yelling "MY TEAM!" It was a stupid, immature game they got a huge kick out of. When she told me, I couldn't believe how rude they were. Months later, I came home from college, and went to a party at her house. I walked in, and after greeting my friend, the next thing I hear is one of those guys yell "MY TEAM!" And all the others shouting out because they didn't "call" me first. They had no idea I knew what this meant. I was SO embarrassed, I just wanted to leave, but I pretended I didn't hear it, and drank away my feelings :(

    That just made me sad. What is wrong with people?!
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    Ya can't see your little friend...



    Ha, ha!!!
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    high heels are still a thing of the past for me. i sprained my ankle badly several years ago and it still hurts like hell to wear them :/
    damn you cat that jumped in front of me while i was working out
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    When you look like the bad guy when eating out, and there's no way out of it. If you order something healthy, they're gonna say you're being pretentious. If you get an unhealthy meal, you suddenly need to watch what you're putting in your mouth.
  • magwagon
    magwagon Posts: 2 Member
    Isn't that list the truth! But you make a good point, those things make me want to strive harder to lose weight!
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    You can't see the yard when it's time to mow the lawn. ;)
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    1. When you safety pin your panties to your pants, so they dont roll down all the time o.O
    2. All your pants are yoga pants
    3. No shorts are acceptable
    4. You named the food-baby (Mine is Henry)
    5. The cat loves to knead your doughy middle

    1. It's easier to just stop wearing underwear...saves on laundry too.
    2. It makes it easier to just head straight to the gym!
    3. Except running shorts with the built in panty (also addresses #1)...but don't run in them, because chaffing is still an issue regardless of inner thigh space.
    4. It's ever worse when it kicks.
    5. No matter how much weight I lose, the cat still kneads there...this is one that wont be fixed by weight loss.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Zumba music makes you crave Mexican food

    Oh my gosh this happened to me yesterday! I was good though!