You know you're fat when...



  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    You can feel the skin chafing off from your thighs rubbing together.

    "Sucking it in" makes you look 5 months along instead of 6.

    ugh this is so me! but hopefully it wont be for too much longer....

    i got another one that i didnt see mentioned, you go into a dressing room in the mall and cry because of how you look in the clothes or that they dont fit in the size you thought you were </3

    But this SOO changes - stands on its head! - when you try on the size you thought you were and find it's too small & you've gone down ANOTHER size :smile: :smile: :smile:

    Worth working for! Keep the idea as motivation & to keep you going during plateaux.
  • kokopaylii
    kokopaylii Posts: 1
    Half the battle is know you have to do something. Good for you for realizing a change needs to be made. Now focus on getting healthy!! Good for YOU!!!!
  • I, m fat , I dont like it..
  • Misha6
    Misha6 Posts: 17 Member
    cajosor, I don't run. Running hurts. Not my legs, not my feet, not my lungs. It hurts my chest. I've tried a bunch of different sports bras, I've tried layering them, I've tried a sports bra over my real bra. Nothing works. So I'll chase the kids in the yard or run from my neighbors very nasty little dog but running for fitness isn't happening. I've seen people get a lot of enjoyment out of running and also a lot of health benefits from it too so this is kind of a disappointment for me.

    I always thought I couldn't run because of my chest (DDs) but I started watching The Biggest Loser and if those girls can do it, so can I. I bought a really good supportive underwire sports bra (Champion) and just started doing it. 30 sec at a time, a min at a time... I'm up to 6 min straight, 2 min walking and 6 min running, etc. I can do a 5k in 37ish min this way...
  • fyoufat
    fyoufat Posts: 85
    Zumba music makes you crave Mexican food
  • starcrost79
    starcrost79 Posts: 36
    Rather than calling you "pretty" or even "handsome," your mother calls you "well-proportioned..." :o(
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    HOW COULD I FORGET! The back boob. Y'know, when you put your bra on and there is a whole chest popping out. Ugh. (It's gone now, mostly!)

    I call them my bat wings! I can't wait until they are gone. It's hard when you have big boobs because the bras have to be tighter to hold 'em up and then it just makes this problem worse.

    Bat wings is an AWESOME name for them. They are hereby known as my diminishing bat wings. Yeah, I pack a good pair of melons - and a good back chest ;)
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    I agree with the whole list and wish to add: when you hide in the back of all photographs & all your underwear are too tight

    Lol... Sad but true
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    I got another one you don't smile in photographs or actually make it to where you don't even take photographs.

    This one is so correct that I didn't even get a "before" picture of myself. I also can't even think of one that has been taken recently (that I'm not hiding in the back) that I can use.
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    You answer the phone when the caller is a number you don't recognize. And it turns out to be one of those "lose weight now ask me how" consultants from some multi-level marketing weight loss company. Who was given your number by your mom.
  • teddy1234567
    teddy1234567 Posts: 32 Member
    you've lost 15 lbs and no one can tell the difference :sad:

    thats me at the moment
  • WenHurley
    WenHurley Posts: 166 Member
    You suck in your tummy when you stand on the scale.
    You weigh yourself BEFORE your shower.
    You unbutton your jeans as soon as you get home.
    You hope getting a haircut might show a little loss on the scale.
    Scales at the doctor's office are inaccurate...after are fully dressed.

    So true.
    Take off all jewelry, & glasses before you step on the scale.
  • Samanthadaniel
    Samanthadaniel Posts: 2 Member
    lmaooo thats me all the way!
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    When my father wants me to workout 4 hours a day just so he doesn't feel bad that he has a fat daughter. (He's super skinny and was in the yeah)
    Kay. Thanks Dad.

    Brutal :cry:
  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    you can't do a yoga pose.. not because your too "tight" but because the rolls of fat literally block you from bending any more.

    ^^^ This! My stomach stops me before I can even try. All yoga poses stop at 90° angles lmao. Also adding that car seatbelts and steering wheels are a nuisance.
  • lyndadowning84
    lyndadowning84 Posts: 6 Member
    When you only weigh 7lbs less than your Mother (whose had gastric surgery!) ouchie :sad:

    But.... 2stone 5lbs later, i'm winning! :smile: a third of the way there now
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I'm usually making excuses for these things. It's time to face facts. I'm fat. Instead of getting sad about this, I'm gonna turn it around. Hey the reality is that if I lose 10 lbs, half this list disappears! That's motivation enough for me.

    Good for you! Disregard the "fat" list and make a list of how you'll know that you're not fat anymore and work your way toward those goals! Always look forward. The only think you should ever look back for is the wisdom you can take from the mistakes - don't regret the mistakes, learn from them and be thankful that you did!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I agree with the whole list and wish to add: when you hide in the back of all photographs & all your underwear are too tight

    Totally agree on hiding in the back of photographs.

    I did that a few Christmases ago & so did a few other relatives & when we looked at the picture the next Christmas we had no idea who we were. We thought someone came and photobombed our Christmas picture.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    The scales say, "to be continued..."

    Wouldn't that be scary if scales said that.
  • emetine
    emetine Posts: 1
    You just want to wear comfy clothes and stay home.