cannot seem to fill my calories

I worried, I have made quite a drastic change in my diet. I never used to eat till 3/4 in the afternoon after working from 7am. before I started on a weight loss program I read a lot on types of food to remove, how much fruit/veg and water needed etc.
So I've cut out all bread, all butter/marg unless im cooking with-it

In all of the articles I read It was suggested that breakfast was important, so now I have bran flakes with soymilk and a piece of fruit on my walk to work. when I get home I usually have some ryvita with peanut butter or marmite. and maybe some grilled bacon for a treat.

Dinner is whatever I've planned for the week and home cooked, I haven't changed my dinners just cut out puddings.

In the evening I don't eat after 10pm and twice a week I have a treat.

My problem is that even correctly logging my meals and snacks my calorie intake is between 1300-1500 per day. I`m not hungry, but I don't want to make my body react too fast to my change in diet.

Is this an issue or will it balance out in the long run. If it comes to it and I find that my weight loss stops I will just join an gym and exercise more.

I just wanted some advice as were all here for the same reason,
thanks in advance.


  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    Have a spoonfull of peanut butter 2-3 times a day, and try drinking calories if you aren't hungry. Full fat soft drinks, milky coffees, milk shakes, protein shakes and hot chocolates all help!

    Oh and eat a handful of nuts with your apple in the morning. Swap the Ryvita for bread, throw nuts and seeds onto most things, or have an occasional pudding, or a beer.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    In all of the articles I read It was suggested that breakfast was important

    The logic behind that reasoning is always because "subjects who skipped breakfast were found to be more prone to snacking and consequently ate more over the course of the day as a result", or words to that effect. If you're comfortable not eating breakfast and not eating anything till later in the day whilst not snacking all day then it's entirely inconsequential when you eat, as long as your overall number is within limit.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    nuts, avocado, cheese, boiled eggs....

    theres no reason to not eat bread, if you like it, and no reason to not eat after 10pm...

    edited ot add, just noticed you're a guy, so you should probably up your cals a few hundred if you can.
  • thank you for all your responses. I realise that the last thing I want is for my body to think I`m fasting but there are times when I`m just not hungry.

    the thing is that for about 40 years I`ve eaten whatever I wanted without worrying about the consequences its only been in the past year that I have actually started thinking about the way our food affects us.

    Watched a program called "the men who made us fat" it was an eye opener and made me realise the importance of making changes. It also made me realise just how much "crap" is in processed food.

    I don't actually like dairy that much anymore as I've been drinking soy milk for about 3 years. I got diagnosed with gall-stones about 5 years ago and to much fat affects them and gives me a lot of pain so I tried to regulate my fat intake.

    thankyou again for all your help.