Trnava Member


  • Are you still wearing the same clothes as before? And are they baggy at all? If so, I imagine wearing new, more form-fitting clothes will make it obvious to all but the most oblivious of your family and friends.
  • Steel cut or rolled oats cooked just until done - I don't care for them when they're overdone and gluey. A teaspoon of coconut oil and a dash of salt, cinnamon, maybe a chopped apple or dried fruit and nuts, and it's a very filling meal. Don't eat what you hate, however. Sometimes that's your body telling you that it won't…
  • Homemade jalapeño salsa. I eat it with tortilla chips, but you can only eat so much jalapeño salsa so you can only eat so many chips. Watermelon. Sliced and ready in the fridge for when you get home from work just starving. Hydrates and buys time to cook a real meal. Popcorn. Popped on the stove with a bit of coconut oil…
  • You'll need a cutting board for this. Chop up a small potato, pepper, and onion (Slice peppers and onion in bulk and freeze on a tray. Store in a freezer bag so you always have them ready to go) and saute in a bit of oil. When almost done, add canned sardines until heated through. Use whatever veggies you have on hand -…
  • It doesn't have protein, but my go-to warm drink (and hot cocoa replacement) is Pero. 5 calories for a teaspoon in a cup of hot water, plus the calories for a splash (or more) of milk.
  • Got called into work an hour early (it's our busy season) so missed my morning workout. Instead I volunteered to walk around delivering company-provided lunches to 60 people stuck at their desks before sitting down to my own veggie wrap. Did exercises at my desk, too. I tracked everything and stayed within my calorie limit.
  • My exercise was the elliptical for 20 mins at 430 am and mowing/raking leaves for 90 mins tonight. I tracked absolutely everything and came in 300 under my calorie goal (like that ever happens...) Thought about having a mini candy bar since I have "spare" calories, but I'm still full from my spicy chicken dinner and I…
  • Happy 1st day of the challenge - hope everyone is off to a good start! I am 1) not eating for 12+ hours each day, 2 ) limiting myself to one sweet a day - so I have to choose wisely - and 3) exercising for at least 20 mins. Today I did about 2 hours, but the hard part for me is just starting! I'm hoping that if I tell…
  • Recently I was in a challenge that petered out at the end - so of course I did, too, and got a little off track. For two months I've been accumulating new recipes, but since I still have grab-and-eat foods in my cupboard I haven't been cooking much. That changes tomorrow - I made a menu plan and rewrote my grocery list to…
  • Just what I need - a plan. Definitely looks intimidating at my current level of fitness so I'll start off slow, but I'm in!
  • Since my "hungry hours" start around 3pm, 50 or 100 mg of 5-HTP before lunch 4x week help keep my appetite/carb cravings under control. **Be sure to read up on 5-HTP before starting it, since it's not safe under certain circumstances. Run it by your doc - mine recommended it. Look for a reputable brand.** Over the years…
  • I could have written that, and the answer is yes, a thousand times YES! I really thought I'd worked through everything before I started to lose weight this year, but some issues I thought I'd resolved pop up again in new ways from time to time. I've learned to give myself time to work through it again, and then keep going.…
  • I love it in my oatmeal, and it's not too coconuty. I don't eat breakfast until midmorning to give my thyroid meds time to kick in, so I make this in a large glass bowl in the microwave at work. Very approximate amounts: 1/4 to 1/3 cup rolled oats, dashes of salt and cinnamon, 2-3 t chia seeds, heaping T coconut oil, 1-2 T…
  • I recently attended a seminar on insulin resistance by a diabetes researcher. He recommended stevia over any other sweetener because of how the others (including Splenda) impact insulin levels. BTW, he highly recommended IF, with a minimum of 12-13 hours fasting, to reduce circulating insulin. So for anyone who's on the…
  • I have had the same problem on and off for several years. The best solutions I've found are 1) soaking feet and ankles in warm water and a cup of Epsom salts (I use a large, deep dish pan from Walmart) for about 20 minutes before bed. And 2) the yoga pose where you lay on the floor on your back. Put your legs on the wall…
  • If injections just mask the pain, there may be a biomechanical problem you need to resolve. I suggest manual physical therapy (get recommendations to find a good one). A good PT can analyze the way you move to find the source of your injury. My experience: From 2003 - 2005 I struggled with plantar fasciitis and bone spurs…