November No Cheat Challenge



  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    jbowens78 wrote: »
    I'm in! :) Track food, workout at least 4x per week. 2 cheat days at Tgiving (thanks for that great idea!)

  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    Hello great people! Day 1 wasn't so bad. Back at it! I need to complete my diary everyday this month no matter what. I like the workout 3/week. Can't wait to see where this takes me.
  • KkBlowin25
    KkBlowin25 Posts: 45 Member
    Wow fabulous job
  • I had a good day. I stuck to the gluten & diet free. I was tempted at lunch with Subway brought in to office, but resisted and had the lunch I packed. Walked the dogs & did a bit of strength training. I haven't been able to make it past the first day in a long time so I feel good tonight.
  • Hi my name is arieana and I'd love to join! My goal is to stick to 1,600 calories a day, no more than 50 total carbs, and work out five times a week.
    We've got this!!
  • Trnava
    Trnava Posts: 30 Member
    Happy 1st day of the challenge - hope everyone is off to a good start! I am 1) not eating for 12+ hours each day, 2 ) limiting myself to one sweet a day - so I have to choose wisely - and 3) exercising for at least 20 mins. Today I did about 2 hours, but the hard part for me is just starting! I'm hoping that if I tell myself, "it's only 20 minutes" I'll get out the door before I can talk myself out of it.
  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    Wow, you all inspire me!! Keep pushing and this month will fly by!! I didn't cheat today, although that Halloween candy was looking very yummy!! Tomorrow will easier!
  • lynalyei
    lynalyei Posts: 22 Member
    edited November 2016
    I am in.My goal is to stick consistently to my food log and find an exercise routine to help get this weight off. I want to log my food all 7 days sticking to 1300kcal without cheating .i want to get used to exercise without feeling that its a chore.i need to transform mentally and i am going to report back here to you all.
    my goal is to make this a lifestyle change.

  • JuliaMNorman
    JuliaMNorman Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!! I work at an American restaurant so My NOvember challenge goal is to bring my dinner to work every night this month so I don't eat food made at work.
  • JstTheWayIam
    JstTheWayIam Posts: 6,357 Member
    Still here, got my 6hrs of sleep and no pie... Haha... Off at 0630 so today is the test... Good luck all
  • emeraldprincess71
    emeraldprincess71 Posts: 20 Member
    I have struggled to get back on track since vacation I couple of weeks ago. So I want to get back to my workouts. Strength 4x week, cardio 3x or more a wweek. Also i manage to stay in my calories but have failed at my protein so I want to back to keeping my protein met. 45.9 down since March. I would like to see another 50 gone before next October when we go to Disney as a family with my adult children
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    All good yesterday - I had one piece of Halloween candy after lunch and one after dinner. CF workout (a tough one) and 600 deficit calories accumulated. It was an ideal day.

    Now on to day two.
  • jules159
    jules159 Posts: 567 Member
    Well, my first day didn't go as well as planned. Super stressful day at work and school. I ended up eating two snack size kit kats when I got home. I tracked them though and stayed in my calories so I guess it's not technically cheating but it's not how I want to eat. Better day today!!
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Yes, I should add that I do not consider Halloween candy "cheating" if I finish the day with a deficit and I worked out hard. I consider it a success that I ate one two small pieces. :)

    I got 117 grams of protein in also, so it was a good day.
  • hbarnes1216
    hbarnes1216 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope it's not too late to join!

    My goals:
    Drink 8 glasses of water every day
    Meet daily calorie goal/1200 calories
    - Eat 1200-1400 on Thanksgiving and Black Friday
    Workout 3 times this week (4 times starting next week)

    I did have a pretty good start to the month. Went from 135.6 on Oct 24 to 131.8 on Oct 31. :)
    I hope to be down to 130 on my birthday (Nov 13) and 128 by the end of the month.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I think I need to more adequately define my goals for the month:

    Workouts: at least 4 per week

    Calories: deficit of 300 or more on workout days, deficit of 200 or more on rest days, once a week (if needed) deficit of 100 on a party/tailgate day

    Water: 120 ounces per day
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    My first day went pretty awesome - under calorie goal (yay!), almost hit all my macros (used to only 25% protein but hit 40%!! yay!), and generally felt awesome :)
  • mmmpizza2016
    mmmpizza2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well today :)

    Another day nearly over and under goal yay! 5km walked again this evening-someday I'll jog it!!
  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    Still here, got my 6hrs of sleep and no pie... Haha... Off at 0630 so today is the test... Good luck all

    Good job!!
  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    OK yesterday I Made my protein goal 157g BAM! and Got my *kitten* to the gym yesterday. Sorry not tracking all the Macros, one thing at a time here. So my goals for No cheat November are to make my protein goal of 140g and make it to the gym Minimum of 4 days a week, usually 5.

    So far so good at 111g and still have dinner to do :)

    Have a great day everyone :)

    Love it!!!!