Katerbels Member


  • OH MY GOSH!! I made these today, except I only had 1/2 cup of Nutella so I split each ingredient in half (5 tbsp flour, 1 egg). Also, I decided that the recipe needed some chocolate chips for good measure (1/2 cup). MFP has these at 153 (?) calories each, and I made 6. They are SO DELICIOUS, they taste just like the…
  • Nevermind, figured it out! You HAVE to start the workout timer before it shows you calories burned, and then it counts them. I'm up to 4.44 just sitting here, but I won't add those into MFP haha
  • I just got this and I set it all up with my height and weight and put it on to see if it worked. It's showing my heart rate, but it says that for the last 20 minutes (during which time I've run all around my house like an idiot trying to get my heart rate up) it shows 0.00 calories burned. What did I do wrong? I had to…
  • Cut a few into slices or chunks and freeze them. Once they're frozen solid, you can put them in your food processor for a creamy frozen treat :). I add a little peanut butter and it's like soft serve ice cream...MMM. Also, you probably shouldn't store bananas in the fridge. I forget the exact scientific reason for this,…
  • You have the right attitude and great job on losing the 45 pounds!!!!! What a jerk!
  • I really REALLY wanted to like the Shirataki noodles too...but I couldn't get over the smell when I opened the bag, even after I rinsed them for like 5 straight minutes. However, taste wise, they were OK. The texture reminded me slightly of spaghetti squash and they really didn't have much taste at all so I imagine…
  • I'm so glad I found this topic!! My name is Katerbels, and I am addicted to food. Mainly bad food. I too think about food all the time, even when I'm not hungry I'm thinking about what's for dinner/snack/etc. If I know I have something delicious in the house, I literally cannot think or focus on anything else until I…
  • I just discovered laughing cow garlic & herb spread on a whole grain wrap or sandwich flat with some turkey...very tasty. Also love it spread on the everything pretzel thins as someone else mentioned. I don't like most cheese, at all, so it's nice to have something on crackers other than PB.
  • I run a daycare, and make healthy lunch and snacks for all kinds of picky eaters!! Here's what I do, and now 'my' kids (ages 12 and under) will eat all kinds of vegetables!! * You can't tell me you don't like something if you don't try it, and if I serve it you have to try it every time...it can take up to 18 times for…
  • Did you make the bread or buy it?? It sounds yummy and if it fills me up, I'd LOVE to try it!!
  • THIS!!! Also, peanut butter and bananas on toast was my favorite breakfast as a kid and I still eat them together!! Peanut butter is just about the most delicious thing ever.
  • I tried a new granola type cereal (Newman's Own) this morning and if was quite tasty with a small splash of almond milk! And I wasn't hungry for a while after. I bring it to work in a Baggie and eat it here haha.
  • I read that it was great for dogs skin and coat and helps keep fleas away so I tried putting a little in their water and food. Both of them refused to eat or drink until I switched for ACV free food and drink. I tried it once myself to relieve heartburn and it did NOT work. So, now I'll sometimes add it to a salad or…
  • Salty: French fries Sweet: chocolate chip cookies. If I could live off of these two things, I probably wouldn't even miss anything else!
  • That sounds so tasty!! I wonder if you could use something in place of the cream cheese? I can't stand the stuff....hmmm....time to experiment!!
  • Your husband sound very set in his ways as far as food and eating habits go. You can't force him to change his ways if he is unwilling. It's like telling a smoker to quit smoking, they may hate the habit but until THEY are ready, they will never succeed. Here is what I would do (this is what I do in my house, it may or may…
  • No one can tell you what you NEED to know. A lot of people have their own experiences (either their own or someone they know) and will say 'DON'T DO IT' or 'It is the best thing that happened to me' and neither are wrong...but that's not you. Do a LOT of research, join any group you can find to talk to others who have…
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me, I'm 31 and just started my mission last week :)
  • If it contains even 1 calorie, I log it. I even log coffee, which has none. Just because it's from something good for you, doesn't mean it's 'free'...it still counts towards your daily caloric intake.
  • I actually count almost all my liquids in as water (I don't really drink alcohol, so I never thought about it), but I'm also careful to try to drink as much plain boring water as I can. But, that's mainly because A) back when I was doing Weight Watchers, they told us to drink at least half of our water intake as actual…
  • WOW so many great ideas! I never ever thought to try spraying it with butter spray but that is a fantastic idea!! Now I want to go make some :-/
  • I'm 31 and I don't have kids (unless dogs and a cat count)!! I am also on my second husband...which is kind of odd for someone my age. Basically, there is no 'normal', there is only 'right for you'. Feel free to add me too!
  • I'm rather jealous, we don't have any of those good places here. Well, maybe not jealous...maybe lucky?
  • Absolutely Five Guys seasoned fries with malt vinegar and ketchup! YUM
  • A recipe I found online for homemade veggie burgers made with mainly black beans and cooked quinoa...both of which I normally like! I took one bite and tried to pawn it off on the dogs, they weren't fans either. The quinoa all dried out when they cooked. My husband wouldn't touch them, we named the birdseed burgers. UGH.
  • OMG so many things!! Onions, Peppers, Mushrooms, Cream Cheese, Cheesecake, Cottage Cheese, Green Beans (I'll eat them if I buy them fresh and steam them slightly), Black Licorice, Ham, Bratwurst or any kind of 'wurst', Okra, Most Squash and Sweet Potatoes, Blue Cheese (even the smell makes me gag!!), Prime Rib, Chicken…
  • There is a local place here that makes their own all natural nut butters and they are all AMAZING and contain only nuts and a little salt, unless you get their flavored ones...they even make their own version of Nutella that is the best thing ever. I love peanut butter, I'd eat that over any kind of meat any day of the…
  • I am not 300 pounds, but I was recently shocked when I looked at the scale and it was 40 pounds higher than it had been when I last looked, and I was too heavy then!! When I was younger, I always thought I would want to die if I ever weighed this much...but here I am. You're here and ready to do something for yourself and…
  • Thanks everyone!! To answer questions: I don't have any pain in my heels, it doesn't bother me in the morning or really any other time except during certain exercises like running or jumping or some stretches. And I can walk long distances, even at a fast pace, and feel fine. I *hope* all the sneakers I've tried fit, but I…
  • :0( Oh I was so hoping it didn't have a name so I wouldn't need to see someone LOL. Thanks!!