It isn't hard? Ok, fine. If that is what you think then power to you. I think that losing weight is hard. It is one of the biggest accomplishments of my life and I am proud of it. My total loss to date (over a number of years) is over 160 pounds and that was a lot of hard work. Not all of us are blessed with finding weight…
Amada, Sometimes it is a waste of our time to even respond. Hugs- Joyce:heart:
I think your comment was a little off base. You can eat anything you want on either program. I am certainly not someone without a brain. I was overly obese, thus the reason for a program for me. I am not obese anymore, just overweight. I will lose the rest of the weight, brains intact and manners too.
I have been doing WW online for 20 months and I am down 83 lbs. I love WW. The reason I came here is out of curiosity about the actual calorie counts etc and since it is free, it is a good resource for that. WW does NOT advocate eating lots of carbs or pizza or some other things as intimated by some previous posters. If…
If anyone can help me, that would be awesome. I have lost over 150 lbs from my highest weight and now, in the home stretch, find myself plateauing like crazy. I am on WW and count points. I logged in my food intake here and it says that with my exercise today, I should eat 1731 calories and I logged in 1200. Does this mean…