I might break up with Weight Watchers...



  • I think your comment was a little off base. You can eat anything you want on either program. I am certainly not someone without a brain. I was overly obese, thus the reason for a program for me. I am not obese anymore, just overweight. I will lose the rest of the weight, brains intact and manners too.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    I think your comment was a little off base. You can eat anything you want on either program. I am certainly not someone without a brain. I was overly obese, thus the reason for a program for me. I am not obese anymore, just overweight. I will lose the rest of the weight, brains intact and manners too.

    It is just in my experience a waste to pay a company (Which is what WW are) for something that isn't hard. Sure, meetings I can understand as it helps perhaps for motivation to some people.

    It is like a weight loss site or company that you join for life, because they know you will eventually come running back.

    Point is, I can be a complete idiot and drink and eat cakes one weekend, then compensate the next week without thinking about it and still lose... Does it hurt my pride if I'm over? No...

    Everyone around me says it is hard, why did I get that big, don't I see how much effort it took to get back down again... My reply? Nope... don't see it at all, to get down to around normal BMI isn't an issue and do not even think about it... Can I go less? Sure can, I am going much less now because of a competition I am having with someone for december.

    Do I need to? No, I will lose and be fine body wise before then, without really trying again... However I am trying because december is ohhhh 3 months or so away? I need lose 15-20lbs by then.... Means with my running I cannot sacrifice certain things, so I need to focus more..

    Essentially, my point is, MFP is not telling you what to do, you NEED to learn and actually change.

    WW as I have seen people go there, seen meetings as been with friends who went there doesn't make you look at yourself the same way as you would if you went direct to MFP and did your own research.

    WW changes ideas all the time... Why? Because it might sound more appealing... This whole fruits + veggies free crap? Ever heard of the skinny b**** diet or ana diet?

    Sounds like same rules to me! Don't count that, but total up maybe 500c this day, 100c next oh maybe 800c this day... Not hungry? Don't worry, eat fruit and veg, then you have a 0c day or fast!

    Really? I mean REALLY? A calorie is going to be a calorie... Encouraging you to eat more is not always good to people who GOT FAT by eating more... You need to change that response to food, not encourage it... Banana is free, but has 100c... so what your saying is you can have a banana every hour + meals clock up nearly 3000 total calories during day, but be on a 1400c as a total because they are a free food?

    No, doesn't work that way sweetheart... It appeals more to people to say you can eat certain things as much as want... Doesn't mean it is correct...

    I could tell you right now from experience that hunger hurts, but hey you know right? Starving works... It really does, but I don't wanna go there again...
  • amadacorazon
    amadacorazon Posts: 42 Member
    I think your comment was a little off base. You can eat anything you want on either program. I am certainly not someone without a brain. I was overly obese, thus the reason for a program for me. I am not obese anymore, just overweight. I will lose the rest of the weight, brains intact and manners too.


    Anyone on any kind of weight loss plan struggles with food, regardless of background, education, brains, or the lack-thereof as in the case of the poster above, zangwhatever, who considers obese people as brainless.

    Your obvious contempt of obese people more than likely stems from your own fear of becoming obese, but even moreso shows your ignorance on the complexity of people who struggle with obesity.

    Weight issues can be dealt with, but I'm afraid stupid can't be fixed.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    I've never belonged to WW, but my niece has just lost 93 lbs on it. She's lucky cause her workplace sponsors the program. I personally like MFP, but I am following a particular eating style which I am making my "lifestyle" change. If WW has helped my niece make long term behavioural changes to her eating then I say "great stuff", but if it just becomes a short term "diet" which goes by the way side then its not good. Only time will tell.
  • I did the same thing! I lost 39 lbs. with WW and switched over to just tracking calories and have been very successful since!
  • TheRealMrsMetro
    TheRealMrsMetro Posts: 25 Member
    I know what you mean. I am training for a half marathon in October and was not losing on WW. My running buddy suggested this and I have lost about 6 pounds in 3 weeks and I am not hungry. I was not eating enough on WW and I was hungry ALL THE TIME!!! On the other hand, I was learning about my triggers and my behavior. I am considering the same thing and I just may stop my membership as I can save that $40 and use it elsewhere.
  • I had every intention of going back to WW after losing 30 lbs and being absent for about 6 months. I was going to do it strictly online and pay. Then a friend told me about MFP and I checked it out. I'm very new here but in less than a week of active tracking, I'm down 2 lbs already and really love the support I'm getting. I've even made contact with 2 friends I knew in HS and we're all helping each other to do as well as we can. This site is very user friendly and I'm making lots of new online friends. Oh yeah, and it's FREE! LOVE IT! WW was good for me but I think this might even be a better fit.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    I think your comment was a little off base. You can eat anything you want on either program. I am certainly not someone without a brain. I was overly obese, thus the reason for a program for me. I am not obese anymore, just overweight. I will lose the rest of the weight, brains intact and manners too.


    Anyone on any kind of weight loss plan struggles with food, regardless of background, education, brains, or the lack-thereof as in the case of the poster above, zangwhatever, who considers obese people as brainless.

    Your obvious contempt of obese people more than likely stems from your own fear of becoming obese, but even moreso shows your ignorance on the complexity of people who struggle with obesity.

    Weight issues can be dealt with, but I'm afraid stupid can't be fixed.

    Tell me the issues faced instead of just changing what you eat? As far as i am concerned it is simple as that.
    Do you want to change? Yes, then change, not tomorrow, not monday, NOW.

    I am all for being educated with the issues obese people have... If you want, please explain them to me as honestly I do not understand, I mean do you seriously just wake up one day and say... ohhh I am obese aren't I? I mean surely you would have noticed before that point the weight gain.

    I am not being deliberately mean or rude if I am coming off that way then sorry.

    I just don't get the point of sugar coating things which is why I guess I have a hard time making friends who are good.

    I am interested in others input as a developer who is currently making an app regarding fitness and weight loss, any inputs might change the logic in the program itself.

    Your right though, I do not and will not be obese, however I do not understand how hard it is either... Obviously really... So if you want, you can explain it to me either in message or on here. Who knows, maybe even talking about it will help you! :)
  • I have done WW's several times over the years, and had success, but like many others, tracking the points was such a hassle, and eventually, I would have to quit for financial reasons, and would gain the weight back. Never lost a significant amount there either, and had to pay for that. I LOVE MFP, and am SO glad I found this site. It is much friendlier than the WW online that I was recently a member of, and while everything might not be perfect; the tracking your food, and exercise is so much easier and there are great people here to motivate and cheer you one, and I am seeing success! Also.......for someone on a very low income as me with my job, I can afford it! LOL
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    It is just in my experience a waste to pay a company (Which is what WW are) for something that isn't hard. Sure, meetings I can understand as it helps perhaps for motivation to some people.

    It is like a weight loss site or company that you join for life, because they know you will eventually come running back.

    Point is, I can be a complete idiot and drink and eat cakes one weekend, then compensate the next week without thinking about it and still lose... Does it hurt my pride if I'm over? No...

    Everyone around me says it is hard, why did I get that big, don't I see how much effort it took to get back down again... My reply? Nope... don't see it at all, to get down to around normal BMI isn't an issue and do not even think about it... Can I go less? Sure can, I am going much less now because of a competition I am having with someone for december.

    Do I need to? No, I will lose and be fine body wise before then, without really trying again... However I am trying because december is ohhhh 3 months or so away? I need lose 15-20lbs by then.... Means with my running I cannot sacrifice certain things, so I need to focus more..

    Essentially, my point is, MFP is not telling you what to do, you NEED to learn and actually change.

    WW as I have seen people go there, seen meetings as been with friends who went there doesn't make you look at yourself the same way as you would if you went direct to MFP and did your own research.

    WW changes ideas all the time... Why? Because it might sound more appealing... This whole fruits + veggies free crap? Ever heard of the skinny b**** diet or ana diet?

    Sounds like same rules to me! Don't count that, but total up maybe 500c this day, 100c next oh maybe 800c this day... Not hungry? Don't worry, eat fruit and veg, then you have a 0c day or fast!

    Really? I mean REALLY? A calorie is going to be a calorie... Encouraging you to eat more is not always good to people who GOT FAT by eating more... You need to change that response to food, not encourage it... Banana is free, but has 100c... so what your saying is you can have a banana every hour + meals clock up nearly 3000 total calories during day, but be on a 1400c as a total because they are a free food?

    No, doesn't work that way sweetheart... It appeals more to people to say you can eat certain things as much as want... Doesn't mean it is correct...

    I could tell you right now from experience that hunger hurts, but hey you know right? Starving works... It really does, but I don't wanna go there again...

    WW does not tell you that you can eat all the fruit and veggies you want. They suggest 5 servings a day. And not all veggies are free. They do teach you everything in moderation. If you have never done WW you are being very judgemental. We all try many things over our lifetime whether to lose weight or just improve ourselves. What may not work for one person may work for another. Yes, I am still a WW member as well as using MFP, why....because that is what works for ME. If WW doesn't work for you and MFP does, fantastic. But don't judge other to harshly for the choices they make.
  • amadacorazon
    amadacorazon Posts: 42 Member
    Zang, you said the following, "From what I know, they are ok for overly obese people who have no brains.... Or is it more money than brains? "

    That statement alone says you believe I have no brains. No point in trying to educate 'you' on a matter on which you have already placed judgement.

    As to your lack of friends, maybe you should do some soul searching. You may find out that you don't like yourself very much; hence, that would explain your lack of friends. Honesty should never equate brutality. Only you can decide whether your words are meant to build up or berate. So far, berating seems to be your mode of preference.

    I'd rather have weight-related issues, than no friends. IJS
  • amadacorazon
    amadacorazon Posts: 42 Member
    WW does not tell you that you can eat all the fruit and veggies you want. They suggest 5 servings a day. And not all veggies are free. They do teach you everything in moderation. If you have never done WW you are being very judgemental. We all try many things over our lifetime whether to lose weight or just improve ourselves. What may not work for one person may work for another. Yes, I am still a WW member as well as using MFP, why....because that is what works for ME. If WW doesn't work for you and MFP does, fantastic. But don't judge other to harshly for the choices they make.

  • toothfairy79
    toothfairy79 Posts: 70 Member
    I did WW for a while and was tracking my food in MFP as well to compare and the points plus allowance (26/day) that I had was very very close to what I had set for myself on MFP which is 1500 cal/day..so to me it is a no brainer MFP is free and there is a tone of support here as well.. You will be losing weight here as well.. If you want to send me a friend request you are more then welcome and maybe we could support each other in our journey:)
  • LauraJane1112
    LauraJane1112 Posts: 8 Member
    I like to know my calories, protein, carbs, etc. intake. Who cares how much "points" they are? WW always changes their program so then you have to get new point calculators, books, etc. Calories are calories... they don't change. I love MFP mobile app where I can just scan my UPCs and it does all the work. WW may have that also now (I went to meetings -- not online and didn't have a smartphone at the time) but FREE is so much better than having to pay to for advice, comraderie, etc. Everything I need is right here. I would HIGHLY suggest getting a pedometer if you do not already have one. I bought the FitBit (offered here under tools) and I love how it syncs with MFP -- so easy! Once I got the FitBit the weight started coming off. I need something to be accountable to. It makes me get up and moving! Next I want to buy the scale that FitBit offers. That will be awesome.

    Best wishes in your weightloss journey!
  • Amada,
    Sometimes it is a waste of our time to even respond.
    Hugs- Joyce:heart:
  • WW does not tell you that you can eat all the fruit and veggies you want. They suggest 5 servings a day. And not all veggies are free. They do teach you everything in moderation. If you have never done WW you are being very judgemental. We all try many things over our lifetime whether to lose weight or just improve ourselves. What may not work for one person may work for another. Yes, I am still a WW member as well as using MFP, why....because that is what works for ME. If WW doesn't work for you and MFP does, fantastic. But don't judge other to harshly for the choices they make.


    I agree with you Amada! I limit the fruit out of commn sense. I guess the poster does not understand WW at all. It is not for everyone as counting points can be a pain for those without the time, but counting calories is still counting something. Oh well, as you know, some folks will bash the program just because they don't understand it or it did not work for them. Nice to see you by the way!!
  • chelsea27lynn
    chelsea27lynn Posts: 6 Member
    I just started MFP but I have done WW and counted calories. I have better luck counting calories and exercising than counting points. The key is to make sure you're counting calories and actually writing them down or putting them into MFP. I always struggle when I jump off the band wagon and think I can just count the calories in my head.
  • I think your comment was a little off base. You can eat anything you want on either program. I am certainly not someone without a brain. I was overly obese, thus the reason for a program for me. I am not obese anymore, just overweight. I will lose the rest of the weight, brains intact and manners too.

    It is just in my experience a waste to pay a company (Which is what WW are) for something that isn't hard. Sure, meetings I can understand as it helps perhaps for motivation to some people.

    It is like a weight loss site or company that you join for life, because they know you will eventually come running back.

    Point is, I can be a complete idiot and drink and eat cakes one weekend, then compensate the next week without thinking about it and still lose... Does it hurt my pride if I'm over? No...

    Everyone around me says it is hard, why did I get that big, don't I see how much effort it took to get back down again... My reply? Nope... don't see it at all, to get down to around normal BMI isn't an issue and do not even think about it... Can I go less? Sure can, I am going much less now because of a competition I am having with someone for december.

    Do I need to? No, I will lose and be fine body wise before then, without really trying again... However I am trying because december is ohhhh 3 months or so away? I need lose 15-20lbs by then.... Means with my running I cannot sacrifice certain things, so I need to focus more..

    Essentially, my point is, MFP is not telling you what to do, you NEED to learn and actually change.

    WW as I have seen people go there, seen meetings as been with friends who went there doesn't make you look at yourself the same way as you would if you went direct to MFP and did your own research.

    WW changes ideas all the time... Why? Because it might sound more appealing... This whole fruits + veggies free crap? Ever heard of the skinny b**** diet or ana diet?

    Sounds like same rules to me! Don't count that, but total up maybe 500c this day, 100c next oh maybe 800c this day... Not hungry? Don't worry, eat fruit and veg, then you have a 0c day or fast!

    Really? I mean REALLY? A calorie is going to be a calorie... Encouraging you to eat more is not always good to people who GOT FAT by eating more... You need to change that response to food, not encourage it... Banana is free, but has 100c... so what your saying is you can have a banana every hour + meals clock up nearly 3000 total calories during day, but be on a 1400c as a total because they are a free food?

    No, doesn't work that way sweetheart... It appeals more to people to say you can eat certain things as much as want... Doesn't mean it is correct...

    I could tell you right now from experience that hunger hurts, but hey you know right? Starving works... It really does, but I don't wanna go there again...

    It isn't hard? Ok, fine. If that is what you think then power to you. I think that losing weight is hard. It is one of the biggest accomplishments of my life and I am proud of it. My total loss to date (over a number of years) is over 160 pounds and that was a lot of hard work. Not all of us are blessed with finding weight loss easy. Many of us struggle with this issue. Maybe you struggle with other things. This is my issue. GLOYJ...
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    I did ww off and on for years. Momentum was the last plan that worked for me but it was painful. I tried points plus twice and did not lose one pound! I had a friend recommend mfp because she had lost over 70 pounds on mfp. I cancelled my ww subscription and I am hooked on mfp!! It is so refreshing just counting calories and exercising. The food database is 10 times larger than ww!!! I love it!

    Also...the boards here are a totally different world. The WW people were brutal on the boards! Heaven forbid you did not get in your GHG's....the people here are much nicer. It is also FREE!
  • I did WW for 6 months and lost 5kg I go over going to the meetings and counting points as I found it hard to go out with friends and have to keep cheching the points guide for takeway places. When I wanted to start lossing weight again I when back to WW but I found it painful to do. MFP I have found with the peolpe and the communtiy section a lot more handy as I have found out thinks I didn't know I needed to know.:drinker: