I might break up with Weight Watchers...



  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    I did WW Online and lost 20 after my last baby was born. I did fine on it until they switched to Points Plus. I am a veggie (and only 5'1.5") so eating all the fruits and veggies you want DOES NOT work for me. MFP is free, calories never change to calories plus (no gimmicks) and it's so easy I can do this for life. I was always having to figure out points for things not in the WW dB but for MFP it's only been like one food a month I have to enter myself. Can't tell you how much I love MFP!!
  • footwoman9
    footwoman9 Posts: 3 Member
    the app for the iphone is so much better than ww. Much more comprehensive and a lot quicker!!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,636 Member
    I have friends and family that have done WW and I know of at least 3 that have left that site and started using this one with me. It seems a lot easier than calculating points and it's FREE which is of course the biggest plus of all.
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    I've done WW a few times, and I once even lost 40 lbs (which I regained). However, my pet peeve with WW is how they periodically change their program. As soon as I would get used to one program, they would change to a new system with new literature and new tools. I'm sure they do that to keep people spending money. It is a business, so I'm not knocking it. But MFP is *free* and much better for lifetime changes (IMHO).
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    I did WW last year. Did really well on the old points system then it switched to the new system and I put on.... Never again.
    I have done far better on here!
    Now... this is my little conspiracy theory with weight loss groups that you have to pay for... The more people that get to goal, the more memberships they will have to give for free because you get free membership once you get to goal.... Far fetched? Probably lol
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    I did WW several times. I like it here better, and alot more support. Its a good decision......I have lost 78lbs already and have 34 to go.....
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I love MFP SO much more than WW! It's easier, tracking is MUCH easier, and it's FREE!

    This ap is also SO much better - you can scan the UPC codes on your food - which is such a timesaver!

    MFP has made me think even more about what I am eating rather than just if I am within my points (protein and sodium intake, etc.)
    Points Plus steered you toward better foods as they were lower points, but I am eating better here than I used to on WW.

    You could certainly try this for a while and see how you like it - after all - it is FREE :-)

    Oh and here you can see other people's diaries (if they are public) and get good ideas
  • chubtofit
    chubtofit Posts: 67 Member
    I did WW a few years ago and while at first it seemed ok, I was like you...tired of tracking "points". Since calories etc are printed right on the grocery items, it's much easier to track those. There was a good leader at the one I went to but I found the topics to be repetitive after a while plus I did it before the new points plus system. The emphasis back then was more just counting points and not looking at the actual food you should be consuming. I know they revamped their program last year and I think it is better than it was but still I find it not focusing on the correct things.

    I did like the accountability at first - I dreaded the 1st time I went when the scale didn't show a loss but they just kinda said "Oh well, better luck next week" with no looking at my food plan or any suggestions. After that I lost the motivation to make sure I always lost since no one seemed to care that much.

    I also found out that the # of points I was supposed to be eating was way below what I should be eating - it was somewhere around 1100 cals and I need at least 1500 for my bmr.

    For some people it works but I find MFP more informative and like someone else said....IT'S FREE!
  • Bmoremama
    Bmoremama Posts: 84 Member
    I did WW and lost a bit of weight on it but not nearly enough to be worth the $18/month I paid every month for years, most of that time being months I didn't use it but felt too guilty to cancel. I love MFP so much more - the tracking is WAY easier and quicker (especially comparing the Android app for each program) and I can see the nutrient breakdown of my foods. Tracking with WW I didn't know if I was getting enough calcium or iron, but now I do.

    And it's FREE!!!

    I have lost 5 pounds in my first week using MFP and I only worked out 3 times. <3
  • I just started MFP after having registered 5 months ago, ready to give it a real shot now though. I am currently in WW but can never make the meetings/weigh ins because of my work schedule. I'm saying good-bye to them and hello to MFP. This fits my life so much better and I can visit with my friends here.

    Good luck with your journey here. I'm looking for more support here if any want to add me. could use the advice on best way to utilize this site.
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    Yes, yes, and yes. MFP is so much simpler and the database is much bigger, you can find anything on here. Some fruits and veggies are high in calories so the fact that WW makes them free can add a lot of calories to your day that you didn't realize. And it's free. This is just as easy, you will lose those last 10 pounds!
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    I broke up with WW a few weeks ago and have lost almost 5 pounds using MFP. Like other have said, I often found myself eating whatever on WW, as long as I didn't go over my points? 4 slices of pizza and carrots and apples the rest of the day? Sure, didn't go over my points!

    With MFP I feel more accountable for what I eat and I also feel like I'm eating more. I haven't taken the time to compare a typical WW day with what I eat now, as far as calories are concerned. But I was frequently hungry on WW. Now I'm not. I'm also looking into getting a Fitbit, I like the way it works with MFP.

    Plus it's free.
  • I have been doing WW online for 20 months and I am down 83 lbs. I love WW. The reason I came here is out of curiosity about the actual calorie counts etc and since it is free, it is a good resource for that. WW does NOT advocate eating lots of carbs or pizza or some other things as intimated by some previous posters. If you follow power foods and the good health guidelines, you are eating plenty healthy. I am plateauing right now so want to see my breakdown, thus the reason I am here.

    The message boards on WW are great and I post there and blog there every day. It works for me. I have lost a total of over 160 lbs (not all on WW, some on Atkins) and I find WW to be the most healthy and motivating of any program I have ever tried and I have tried them all.

    All plans are what you put into them. I hate seeing people slam anyone elses choice of weight loss plan and some here did just that so I thought I would be the voice of reason here. If someone ate all of their points in pizza, then that is on them, not the program. Also, fruit is NOT free, it is 0 points. There is a difference. If you eat too much, it will slow or stall your weight loss. Common sense rules as in all programs.

    Points plus has been great for me. Just wish I was not in a plateau right now so I need to see exactly what I am doing so using this to back it up and see where I might be lacking.

    Just my 20 cents...
  • boxynova
    boxynova Posts: 19 Member
    I just joined MFP and so far I love it. I am still a current member at weight wathcers and deciding whether to kick it to the side. Counting points can be a bit of a hassel. I got to thinking that since you don't count the fruit mabe the amount of calories I am consuming is over what it should be, so I figured why not give MFP a shot. Now ALL calories consumed is going to be tracked. Wish me luck and good luck to you too.
  • dot1212
    dot1212 Posts: 74 Member
    I am a life time weight watcher member but can't seem to stay with the counting. First is was the breads, fruits, veggies, milk, etc and then went on to other ways of counting and finally points. I just got tired of it. So now I am here and loving it. My MFP friends are so encouraging and by logging you are keeping track of your food (same as weight watchers) and this site is FREE!

    If you would like to add me as a friend, feel free to.
  • moonmistmm
    moonmistmm Posts: 178 Member
    I have tried Weight Watchers, and it just didn't work for me. Plain ol' tracking my calories and working out felt much more natural, and customizable for me.

    MFP, something I just fell into, just happens to reinforce the good habits I've developed tracking. I did like the weekly meetings of WW, but I feel like I get something similar to that with MFP, but it's everyday.

    Plus...MFP is free!
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    From what I know, they are ok for overly obese people who have no brains.... Or is it more money than brains?

    I mean how hard is it to realise eating junk is bad for you, and eating good foods is well, jolly good for you...

    (Looks at Diary for today) Well... I AM under my calories... xD
    Just err ignore the cake or pizza :P... Oh wait, on weight watchers you couldn't eat that either could you? :o

    I struggled like hell to finish that pizza... But oh was it so tasty those lovely lil anchovies... :D
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I'm doing both. I'm counting calories and using MFP for tracking food and activity as well as the message boards. I still attend my weekly WW meeting to weigh-in and hear the meeting topic. I like the behavioral changes they teach and get good support from my co-attendees.

    I may go back to points but MFP is so easy and the barcode scanner is pretty fantastic. I think WW could learn a lot from MFP.

    My weight loss is more steady on MFP. On WW I had an overall loss of 0.5lbs/week but there was a lot of fluctuating. On MFP my weight loss is a steady 1.5+ pounds/week.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Lost 48 pounds since last November tracking points and working out and had trainer/coach recommend MFP last week. So convenient and easy to use; especially, with mobile app that I see no reason to continue WW and think you'll find same. Good luck reaching your health goals!
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I use both, and I've found I get to eat more with my WW tracker, but I think that's because I have MFP set to a 2 pound loss per week and it only gives me 1200 calories which is about 26 points, and I'm at 29 points. I don't think points are complicated or hard, it's not anymore difficult to track one way or the other, except for the fact that the MFP data base seems to be so much larger. I also don't get people who complain that WW encourages you to eat crap. That is just not true. With both WW and MFP as long as you are within your numbers you can eat whatever you want. What you eat, healthy or otherwise is up to you. I actually think WW encourages you to eat more fruits and veggies since they are considered 0 points and on MFP the calories count against your total.