ebriesch Member


  • Yeah, I like the cafe caramel ones. Very good, Target often has them on sale and you can find coupons online.
  • Love em and since I had weight-loss surgery, they're perfect for me; plus, I eat at my desk at work, so I need portable things. But they are pricey. You can get them on Amazon too. I like the Cinnamon Roll ones best (especially warm) and the brownie. Haven't bought for awhile because of the price. Used to have a standing…
  • Welcome. I just joined this week, too. I had gastric bypass nearly nine years ago and have regained. I was doing well for a long time but needed to make a positive change to get this regain off. I know a lot of people who had lap-band who have had to have it removed. (others have had positive experiences.) We can all help…