Quest Nutrition Bars?


I just recently came across the Quest Nutrition website which features low-carb bars and other products. I have not heard of this brand or any products of the types, but was just curious if anyone has heard of it/use these products. It just seems TOO GOOD to be true (since I am on a low-carb/sugar controlled diet).

Would you recommend this? I would love to try this out if it is worth the time and money! :)

LINK is below!



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've tried a couple and thought they were really good, but a little out of my budget. Plus, my caloric needs aren't so rigid that I can't have a higher carb protein bar.

    I have a friend who had weight loss surgery who LOOOOOVES them and eats them daily. They're perfect for her because she has to make every single calorie count.

    The one thing I absolutely love about them is that they're really high in fiber, without making you incredibly gassy like a lot of other fiber bars do. I'm like the entire brass section of a marching band after a Fiber One bar. Not a toot after a Quest. :blushing:

    Edited to add: "Like" their facebook page. Sometimes they have free sample giveaways.
  • Nina1007
    Nina1007 Posts: 150
    I think they're awesome. I would buy them in bulk if I could afford it. I'll buy a 12 pack at a time and switch between a protein shake and a quest bar. i do a google search for free shipping code for quest and there's usually a code you can use. Also they've always sent an extra protein bar when I order the 12 pack. They want you to try a different flavor I guess. I like the coconut cashew, cookie ough, brownie, and vanilla almond ones best.
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    I've been planning to try them .. 1-2 flavors. I frequent the Vitamin
    Shoppe and learned they carry them. The protein and sugar amounts
    are enough for me to like them despite the price. It's a quality kind
    of thing I guess. Can you just try one and buy several to weave in and
    out of your other bar options? Just an idea. :)
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I love them and generally have one every day. The help me hit my protein numbers when I'm on the go.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    I like them as a more on-the-go alternative to a protein smoothie / shake, although they're not really as healthy since I tend to make my own protein smoothies with fresh fruit & veggies.

    One thing about the Quest bars though... They are by and large NOT low-carb. They've got a lot of fiber, so there's some off-set if you're thinking in terms of "net carbs" (carbs - fiber). But the bars do have 20+ grams of carbs each (e.g. the coconut cashew has 24g of carbs and 17g of fiber).

    Be careful buying them online though... I've had a few boxes show up with the bars as hard as bricks inside their wrappers. 5-10s in the microwave softens them up but, when they're hard like that, they're almost impossible to chew through unless you warm them.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I used to eat them a lot, but I got tired of them. They're good though, and really feel you up. Healthier than the alternatives I've been eating for sure.
  • Wilson929
    Wilson929 Posts: 100
    Love Quest bars! I just got done eating the Chocolate Brownie one. I have one a day and buy them direct from Quest or get them from GNC. All the flavors are soooo good. They help me hit my protein goals when I don't feel like making a shake.
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    The only protein bar I'll eat and I love them. Found them maybe a year ago and love them, never get tired of them and rarely crave anything sweet anymore. Keeps me full for several hours.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    I own a box of every flavor except for their new released flavor: white chocolate raspberry.

    I eat very low carb (keto) and the quest bar easily fits my macros since fiber dont count on my diet.


    Net Carbs = Carbs - fiber

    So most their bars are less than 5 net Carbs.... what's so bad about 5~8g net carbs?
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    They're great! One of the few whey-isolate-only bars on the market.... most have whey concentrate, which gives me gas. One of the lowest calorie-per-protein bars you can get.

    The thing about these bars is you have to nuke 'em for about 8-12 seconds because they are fairly dense. The flavors are great.

    They're too expensive at the Vitamin Shoppe... You can get them relatively inexpensively from
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member

    Net Carbs = Carbs - fiber

    So most their bars are less than 5 net Carbs.... what's so bad about 5~8g net carbs?

    Yep, I actually noted that in my post:
    They've got a lot of fiber, so there's some off-set if you're thinking in terms of "net carbs" (carbs - fiber). But the bars do have 20+ grams of carbs each (e.g. the coconut cashew has 24g of carbs and 17g of fiber).

    Nothing's bad about it. I was just pointing out that you do have to be thinking in terms of "net carbs," whereas with certain Stevia-sweetened protein powders, for example, you'll get 0g of carbs (obviously with 0g of fiber).
  • ebriesch
    ebriesch Posts: 7 Member
    Love em and since I had weight-loss surgery, they're perfect for me; plus, I eat at my desk at work, so I need portable things. But they are pricey. You can get them on Amazon too. I like the Cinnamon Roll ones best (especially warm) and the brownie. Haven't bought for awhile because of the price. Used to have a standing order with the company but it got to be too expensive.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I have one every day as a mid-afternoon snack between lunch & dinner. Love banana nut and looking forward to trying white chocolate raspberry. Fits perfect within my low carb lifestyle.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    I love the peanut butter supreme and the cookie dough! great stats as well!
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    warm the quest brownie bar in the mic for 5-6 seconds place a dark chocolate square on top till melty, OHMY, like a lava cake yummy chocolate hit!
  • CaLaurie
    CaLaurie Posts: 178
    Looked into lots of protein bars - these are the best, I think. Relatively low cal, high in protein and fiber, either 99% or 100% natural, depending on the flavor. Worth the price. Amazon ships for free if you spend more than $25 (two boxes iis just under $50) and I've never had trouble with them being too hard - sometimes they're a little misshapen from getting warm then cool again, but no big deal. Good stuff!! :happy:
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    Questbars are the best on the market and the taste is unreal. They almost taste too good to be "healthy." High protein, high fiber and low active carbs = win win for anyone. I eat them daily.
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    Absolutely love them! I get the chocolate brownie bars, and usually have them for a snack instead of something loaded with empty calories.
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    I love the PB&J flavor and buy mine at Vitacost whenever they have a big everything off sale.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I eat them all the time. My current favorite is still the coconut cashew one, but thats only because I haven't tried cookie dough or the new white chocolate raspberry