Tanstar76 Member


  • I have this guide and have been using it sporadically and want to follow it closely now, are you all using her food guide as well??? Wondering if I will get good results not using the food guide and just eating well and tracking my calories.
  • Thanks! Will do! I am one week off as well and always SO bloated. I try not to get too down because I know it's only at this time of month that I get it for a few days. Tricky though when on top of the weight I need to lose I get bloated as well!!!
  • Hi everyone! I just started today with legs = holy cow, my legs still feel like jelly. Just wondering if a walk is what she means by LISS?? Is it basically powerwalking? Could I do slow on my elliptical?
  • - Stop complicating it. Unless you have a medical condition that indicates otherwise, you do not have to eat ‘clean’, restrict a food group, restrict a macro, cleanse, detox, time your meals, or anything else to lose weight. Eat a diet that comprises nutrient dense foods and enjoy treats as long as they fit into your…
  • What are your shoes like? I found I was having a lot of pain when I first started running and since getting properly measured and fitted for new Asics I have no hip and knee pain, and am running 4-6kms and heading to 10kms in October. Are you stretching before and after? I also know that I need to lose more weight to run…
  • Mine is an egg omelette with whatever I have around to put in it! Might be a wee bit of bacon, light cheese, tomato, zucchini - anything! If I don't have anything , then just eggs! Nice and filling.
  • It's a great workout by Jillian Michaels, each circuit goes for 20 mins, and combines strength, abs and cardio. Great for busy people and mums like me who work out while kids nap! Really makes a big difference if you stick to it and do it 6 days a week! She also has another one called Ripped in 30 - same theory but a bit…
  • Your results are amazing!!!! I started day 1 yesterday and am going to attempt 30 consecutive days as well!!! Did you do the C25K as well while you were doing the shred?? I think I will have to take a before and after as well. Not looking forward to the before!