Couch to 5k - advice

Hi guys

I have just completed couch to 5k and I am struggling with pain in my knees when I do the full run. I wish to continue running but I am concerned about the pain - anyone else have this problem? Any advice you could give me?



  • Tanstar76
    Tanstar76 Posts: 9 Member
    What are your shoes like? I found I was having a lot of pain when I first started running and since getting properly measured and fitted for new Asics I have no hip and knee pain, and am running 4-6kms and heading to 10kms in October.

    Are you stretching before and after? I also know that I need to lose more weight to run comfortably as I am still 6 kgs heavier than my healthy weight.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    My knee problems were coming from my heel strike. My shoes were way too cushioned and I swapped to minimalistic shoes and learned to run again. I have no problems now. It's not going to help everyone... But see if someone can video you running a few meters and see how you land?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I agree with the shoe suggestions.

    I was running in Nike Free shoes and I had knee pain during and after. Switched to Asics Nimbus and now I have zero pain what so ever.
  • Minnoke
    Minnoke Posts: 26
    Make sure you have good shoes BUT ALSO - you can get these knee pad things in sports shops that take the pressure off your knees. I forget what they're called but they're these strips that you wrap around your knees that attach with velcro and the absorb the shock. I had the exact same problem as you last year and I used these. I could keep running then without pain and then my strength built up and I dont need them anymore.
  • crazygracee
    crazygracee Posts: 34 Member
    How do you do the C25K? I just started running and would love to give this a try but dont know what the "rules" are.

  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    How do you do the C25K? I just started running and would love to give this a try but dont know what the "rules" are.


    It's an app you can download for your phone. Basically it's a run /walk with warm up and cool down phase for 8 weeks. The first week you walk for 90 seconds and then run for 60 seconds. The app will tell you when to walk /run whilst playing music. Each week the walk phase gets shorter and the run phase increases. At the end of the 8 weeks you should be able to run 5k. You can repeat any week as often as you like and finish the program when you are ready.
  • iamkatyg
    iamkatyg Posts: 17
    Hey Gracee, it's an app, you can download this for apple or android phones, it's an 8 week program and the intervals change each week, building you up to 5k over the course. It beeps on your ear over your music to tell you when to run and when to walk, absolutely brilliant!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I agree with others that it could be your shoes, or your form. Something else to consider is stretching....are you doing a thorough job of stretching everything properly before you do the C25K workout?
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Gracee if, like me, you don't have a zingy phone but do have an iPod you can download the NHS version of C25K, and the 10K version and many other programmes, from iTunes FREE, who knew they had a health and fitness section??

    I started last week and stopped very quickly, I have now worn in a new pair of Nike runners and will start again on Tuesday. I may go back for some ASICs if the Nikes don't do it, they'll do for work. As others have said it's often all in the shoes!

    I used to be fit - sports science as a job now and aerobics instructor in a past life - so I know that I may need to do week 1 more than once, but that's OK. I have no need to get there quickly, I just need to get there!

    If you want to start it but have lots of questions feel free to pm me if that's easier.

    Hopefully I'll manage it and get back to something like fit and thinner!
  • The shoe suggestion is good. If possible, you should also consult a dietitian/clinical nutritionist. Many of the foods we eat cause inflammation in our joints and muscle tissues. I was seen by a Chiropractor, who was also a dietitian, in 2010 for kidney stones. She asked me about the types of food that I eat and by my answers determined that my diet was high in oxalate, which causes high calcium levels in the body and leads to kidney stones, gall stones, and calcification of connective tissues. In my case, I developed kidney stones and calcification of my patella tendon.

    Since then, I have changed my diet. I rarely drink cows milk and I eat lots more fruits and veggies, which I love! I cut down on all sources of meat, completely excluding pork. I don't eat pork because of my spiritual beliefs. Long story short, I feel great. I was icing my knees after every run. I don't do that anymore. And I run almost everyday. . .at least 3 miles. I am looking to compete in 5k starting next year. I want to continue training and lose a little more weight.

    Good luck to you. I hope you can continue your training. Maybe I'll see you on those 5k streets! God bless.

    Doc Desmond
    CEO & Founder, Doc Desmond Ministries
  • Hi

    Thank you so much everyone for all of your responses and input. I believe it is actually all down to the trainers that I have been wearing, as to be honest, I bought a cheap pair at the start of couch to 5k, but, after all of your replies, I have invested in a decent pair of running shoes.... let's hope this alleviates the problem, Thanks so much!
  • tundeke
    tundeke Posts: 80
    Pay attention to your feet when you run. Are you landing on your heel or on your toes?

    I had knee injury because my running style was awful. My shoes were top noch, nothing was wrong with them, however i was landing on my heels first which damaged the knee.

    Try to run on your toes. Do they hurt as much as you run normally? If they don't hurt as much, it might mean that you might have a similar problem. (I am no doctor just sharing my experience)

    Until it gets better i would stop running and rest. Hope you get better soon. I feel with you! :)