Kayla Itsines workout

Hello! :)

I dont know if anyone here has tried it, or is still doing it, but I'm just about to start it, and would be great if we had a little group to do it together? :) Message me, or add me :) I hope the results are great


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Who's that ?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Who's that ?

    Kayla Itsines
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Who's that ?

    Kayla Itsines

    But why is she "famous" ?
  • Heyy,

    I'm doing the program and am about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks in (last week I failed a little at keeping up with it so restarting week 3 today).

    I've already seen a difference especially in my performance - feeling a lot stronger already. The difference for me from start of week 1 to start of week 3 is really significant (as the same exercises are done week 1 and 3, 2 and 4, 3 and 5 etc it means you can really tell the difference).

    I would 100% recommend it - I bought both the nutrition and work out book but think it would've been better for me to just buy the workout book!
  • kirsteeeeenxo
    kirsteeeeenxo Posts: 17 Member
    I've literally just started it!
    I finished the first workout about an hour ago
    I was bright red at the end of it haha
  • Jenky85
    Jenky85 Posts: 190 Member
    I bought her guide this morning!! Itching at my desk for work to finish so I can get home and try it out. Excited to see if I see the kind of results other people have with it.
  • lollypoppet
    lollypoppet Posts: 103 Member
    Who's that ?

    Kayla Itsines

    But why is she "famous" ?

    She's been all over Social Media recently, a lot of beauty bloggers, and YouTubers have recommended her, as well as all over Instagram, and her workout programme seem's to be achieving a lot of great results.
  • lollypoppet
    lollypoppet Posts: 103 Member

    I'm doing the program and am about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks in (last week I failed a little at keeping up with it so restarting week 3 today).

    I've already seen a difference especially in my performance - feeling a lot stronger already. The difference for me from start of week 1 to start of week 3 is really significant (as the same exercises are done week 1 and 3, 2 and 4, 3 and 5 etc it means you can really tell the difference).

    I would 100% recommend it - I bought both the nutrition and work out book but think it would've been better for me to just buy the workout book!

    Oh my goodness, that sounds great, I just did it and it was Legs and Cardio, my legs are shot! lol, and I thought it wouldn't be too bad because i was doing Jillian michaels Body Revolution before, but it's just as tough lol
  • lollypoppet
    lollypoppet Posts: 103 Member
    I bought her guide this morning!! Itching at my desk for work to finish so I can get home and try it out. Excited to see if I see the kind of results other people have with it.

    I've literally just started it!
    I finished the first workout about an hour ago
    I was bright red at the end of it haha

    I've just done it, my legs are shot, and feel like jelly lol, it's brilliant. I hope i see a difference soon! :)
  • Jenky85
    Jenky85 Posts: 190 Member
    Well i did the first workout last night, legs. It was really good and had total jelly legs after. I really enjoy it, can't wait for Wednesday to do the next workout :) hopefully I get good results. Took my before pictures yesterday before I started so we'll see :)
  • Hi there, I started the work out a week ago. I love the weight resistance training. I haven't been so good with the LISS though. Did you follow exactly how she spelt it out. 2-3 Weight Resistance and 3-4 LISS per week in the first 4 weeks?
  • Hi there, I started the work out a week ago. I love the weight resistance training. I haven't been so good with the LISS though. Did you follow exactly how she spelt it out. 2-3 Weight Resistance and 3-4 LISS per week in the first 4 weeks?


    I'm doing the program and am about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks in (last week I failed a little at keeping up with it so restarting week 3 today).

    I've already seen a difference especially in my performance - feeling a lot stronger already. The difference for me from start of week 1 to start of week 3 is really significant (as the same exercises are done week 1 and 3, 2 and 4, 3 and 5 etc it means you can really tell the difference).

    I would 100% recommend it - I bought both the nutrition and work out book but think it would've been better for me to just buy the workout book!
  • jaeein
    jaeein Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on week 8 of her program. I'm also intermittent fasting (IF). I was also doing Insanity + the Bikini Body Guide (BBG) for the first 6 weeks until i realized I was doing TOO much.

    I wanted to lose 4-6 inches in 2 months for my wedding but I've only lost 1 :( I can't tell if it's from the BBG or IF.

    I don't think it's much different from Jillian Michael's or any of the beachbody workout videos. I'm kind of disappointed that I'm not seeing similar results from all those transformation photos.

    Coming from Jillian Michael's / Insanity / P90X, the Kayla Itsines workouts are pretty easy. I actually have to modify to make them harder. But then again, I haven't done week 9 yet.
  • brusso4
    brusso4 Posts: 2
    Hi, I just started the program this week! Just finished week 1 arms and abs, which I found a little easier than legs and cardio. The workouts are very tough, I'm hoping for good results. It's good to hear there is a difference from week 1 to 3, I hope I see that. It would be great to keep up with others doing the guide to keep each other motivated!
  • lollypoppet
    lollypoppet Posts: 103 Member
    Even though I dont feel it whilst doing the workout, i DEFFO feel it the next morning, ouchies my arms and abs, especially my abs (non existant atm :laugh: ) I'm doing Day 4 LISS today. I just kinda do a Jillian Michaels Cardio DVD for it. I hope I see a difference, although atm I'm on my time of month and I feel disheartend because I feel like my body is just retaining water, i can see it when i look in the mirror. :indifferent: :cry:
  • Tanstar76
    Tanstar76 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just started today with legs = holy cow, my legs still feel like jelly.

    Just wondering if a walk is what she means by LISS?? Is it basically powerwalking? Could I do slow on my elliptical?
  • lollypoppet
    lollypoppet Posts: 103 Member
    LISS could be a brisk walk, or a light run, jog, going slow on the ellpitical would be perfect x
  • Tanstar76
    Tanstar76 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks! Will do!

    I am one week off as well and always SO bloated. I try not to get too down because I know it's only at this time of month that I get it for a few days. Tricky though when on top of the weight I need to lose I get bloated as well!!!
  • lollypoppet
    lollypoppet Posts: 103 Member
    Oh no, dont be disheartend though, at least the bloat is temporary :) You can still do it! :)
  • salejasmine
    salejasmine Posts: 7 Member
    I just started yesterday!!! It was awesome, and right along the same lines of workouts I was already doing. Did anyone incorporate HIITs in the first 4 weeks? I do a HIIT at least once a week now and I'm hesitant to go let them go for so much LISS...