

  • Today's mini-goal: Prepare a healthy meal that i can eat WITH my family. (Son has started daily football practices. He and my husband need X2 to X3 the calories I need.)
  • Day 2 was tougher than I had expected! As well as being a mom, I am also a college student. I started my day off with an hour-long Spinning class. Because of my schedule, I try to pre-plan my meals and snacks. Today's timing was all "off". I got stuck in traffic getting to campus, couldn't find parking, and then got stuck…
  • I'm ALL in! I have to lose the weight and increase my activity to get an A in my class! Can't let my GPA fall because I couldn't eat less and increase exercise....setting myself up for success with a little extra accountability!
  • I have to agree, thanks for this group! I just started an exercise science class and have to lose 1.5 lbs a week for the next 15 weeks (about 100 days). Having a group accountable (and a grade!) will help make this a lifestyle change rather than weight loss. Feel free to add me...can never have too much accountability :)
  • Hello, Well, I'm at it again! I just decided to take a fitness class in college to help balance the stress associated with finishing my degree. This may not have been completely thought through. I now have 15 weeks to lose 22.5 lbs. Thanks to my FitBit, I log my exercise, sleep, and water consumption regularly. Looking to…