brentpaul33 Member


  • Thanks I will check them out.
  • I think it's some type of allergy. I have had this problem for about 17 years now. Looking back I could eat all kinds of fruit until I started having ragweed and pollen allergies. Raw fruit I cannot eat. However canned fruit or baked in something is fine. I have avoided any fruit for the last 12 years because of it.
  • I have been making strawberry sorbet which I don't react to. I also put dehydrated mangos and bananas in my oatmeal. Smoothies is next on the list.
  • I didn't take any pictures at all. I was very skeptical I would lose any weight when I started.
  • The most common question I get asked is what do I eat? I eat no different than any other family who cooks meals at home. For snacks I have string cheese, yogurt, peanuts, applesauce, or pistachios. My family has this theory that all I eat are salads. Yes it doesn't hurt to throw in a salad every so often. I do make some…
  • I tried drinking more water and doing more stretching. I had really bad leg cramps 2 days in a row. I did some research on foods with magnesium. So decided to snack on about a cup of peanuts and no cramps at all. It's either a coincidence or I am low on magnesium.
  • Wow I was not expecting this many replies. Thanks everyone for the comments. I will give these things a try and report back.
  • Keep in mind the scale doesn't always reflect the weight you lost. I went almost 2 months with no decrease on the scale. However I lost almost 2 inches off my waist. Also you could try and change up your routine. Substitute a different workout on one day or maybe extend it out a bit. The same thing happened to me once I…
  • The biggest thing for me was seeing what I ate and accounting for all the calories. Once I bad the myfitness app I was just shocked at how much I was eating. It doesn't take vigorous exercise I suggest just going for a 30 minute walk each day. Start it off easy. The biggest things that helped me were: walking every day,…
  • Thank you everyone. I will check out everything mentioned.
  • I have been doing Tae bo. It's a heck of a workout. I will admit though I can't do the whole video yet but that's something I am working towards. If you checkout youtube you can see some of the workout videos we listed to see if they might be something you would like.
  • Wow thanks for all the great ideas everyone.