fruit ideas

I love fruit and my son does too.
However I can't eat raw fruit as it makes me ill.
It has been this way for many years.
I start to gag and eventually throw up.
I can maybe have 4 or 5 pieces of fruit and that's it.
2 years ago I ate an entire apple and everything was fine until I felt it coming back up 15 minutes later.
Canned fruit in syrup is fine.

Fruit baked in desserts or mixed with other things are fine.
I can eat yogurt, pies, ice cream, fruit in jello etc.

I love strawberries, apples, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, nectarines, peaches, pears, oranges, and grapefruit.

My son and I both like smoothies. What can I add to it that won't take away the fruit taste but is still healthy.

What else can I do with fruit?


  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I'd find out why it's making you sick?
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I had a colleague who could not eat raw fruits. The rest of us thought it was the strangest thing.

    Ideas to add to smoothies:

    shredded or grated carrots
    cooked sweet potato (buy it canned)
    swiss chard
    peanut butter
    sliced almonds
    cocoa powder
    Table spoon of sweetener
    a tiny amount of fresh or powdered ginger or cinnamon

    Teach your son good habits. Keep away from fruit unless it is very cooked AND only a very small amount.
    Always always peel the fruit before you cook it. The allergens are strongest in the peel.
  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    I know my friends swear by grilled pineapple.

    have you tried dehydrated fruit? its easily packable for snacks and stays fresh for awhile longer.

    Id also add it to oatmeal, you can make a whole pan on baked oatmeal for the week and add fruit
  • brentpaul33
    brentpaul33 Posts: 20 Member
    I have been making strawberry sorbet which I don't react to. I also put dehydrated mangos and bananas in my oatmeal.
    Smoothies is next on the list.
  • theCaityCat
    theCaityCat Posts: 84 Member
    Make a fruit compote and add it to oatmeal. I made a compote using 3 nectarines and some pluots along with a couple tablespoons of honey and some lemon juice. Chop up the fruit, let it macerate with the honey and lemon juice for a couple of hours in the fridge, then cook it down over the stove for 10-15 minutes. It lasts a week, and 1/4-1/3 of a cup in my oatmeal means I don't need any extra sweetener.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Getting ill on raw fruit is a thing. You might want to see an allergist. I know a few people who can't eat the raw fruit but if it's processed (cooked, blended,peeled) then it's not a problem.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I have a friend with bowel issues that can't eat hard fruit like apple. If your issue is something like that I wonder if it's the texture of the fruit that's causing problems, not the fruit itself. If you can digest a smoothie then maybe you need to chew the fruit really really really well. Just a thought.
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    My daughter has tree allergies. She cannot eat anything that grows on trees. She can eat peanuts but no other nuts. She can eat berries and mellons but no apples, oranges, peaches and so on. She had had many trips to the ER before we found out what it was.
    She can have processed fruit like fruit cups.
    I make mixed berry topped with pancake batter.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    When my son was younger, he didn't like any kind of fruit (was a veggie toddler). The doctor said to not worry because he was eating a wide variety of veggies and there isn't anything in fruit that he couldn't get from veggies.

    He ended up eating fruit after a few years, just didn't have a sweet tooth we figured.

    So it would be nutritionally acceptable to focus more on veggies. But definitely see a doctor to find out what about raw fruit turns your stomach. There could be some kind of allergy you should be watching out for.
  • brentpaul33
    brentpaul33 Posts: 20 Member
    I think it's some type of allergy. I have had this problem for about 17 years now. Looking back I could eat all kinds of fruit until I started having ragweed and pollen allergies. Raw fruit I cannot eat. However canned fruit or baked in something is fine. I have avoided any fruit for the last 12 years because of it.