

  • I enter it as what it says on the Insanity calendar. I have a HR monitor and input the calories, time and name of the day.
  • It happened to me during my year back at school. I kept exercising until the winter then started with excuses. By the end of the program, I was so upset at myself but set myself back on track. Just think about ten pounds as a month- month and a half and you will be where you were, and refocused. We all slip, its how we…
  • I like Insanity because you do not need any equipment. One is more muscle building, Insanity is extreme cardio with muscle development through body weight exercises. They are quite different from what I know, which may not be enough.
  • Most places will also make your pizza without the cheese/ or half cheese if your friend wants it. Stay away from the meats on the pizza and load on the veggies. Thin crust will be better also.
  • I get a Grande skinny vanilla latte usually.
  • Thanks for the input. I use a heart rate monitor for calorie count, so that is accurate. The insanity formula is based on your weight, height and age and some other numbers and then you get your daily which for me would be 1985. They then say multiply that by 1.55 for moderate activity, which is Insanity which brings up my…
  • I have the same sensation, that is diet change and how fast your body burns certain foods you might have switched to. I have to eat something every 2-3 hours or I am rumbling also. I will have a Myoplex lite bar, or some dried fruit and nuts, etc to keep me going. Also keep that water intake up as it will keep you feeling…
  • I just bought the Polar FT7 today after researching quite a bit. Tried it during an Insanity program today and love it. Much easier to see my heart rate, what zone I am in, and calories burned. Seems quite accurate and once I find the right spot so the strap is sitting properly it should be very comfortable. The strap is…