

  • I wish I was 5',:laugh: I'm just under at 4'11 and I need to lose 10 more lbs to get to my goal, but I may shoot for another 5 once I get there. Right now I'm at 135 lbs, when I started here I was 147.5 lbs - but I started out at 155- post 2 babies. So I am very excited to see a weight that I haven't seen in about 6 years-…
  • So here is the question- are you eating the right things that tends to stay with you for longer(like fiber rich foods), and is it that you are hungry or your body thinks it hungry. Whenever I start feeling that way and I know I reach my calorie count and should feel full I drink water if that doesn't help then I will eat a…
  • I am 30 with only 2 kids also a stay at home mom of a 2 and 4 year old, so between husbands work schedule- works nights and naps it can be difficult. I was lucky and was able to get a treadmill for free, so the days I can't get out of the house to work out I use it. I have 23 lbs to lose. So if you want you can friend me…
  • Well I have the most decadent diet cook book and there are beef recipes in there that are less than 500. Even a one called Super-stuffed Steak Soft Taco that is 300 per taco. I personally am fully between 1 of those and some brown rice. Beef is all about the cut because this particular recipe calls for top round steak. I…
  • I would say to set a mini goal like when I lose 12 lbs I am going to get myself the 30 day shred, because at that point I will be closer to my goal weight. If you set something small that you know you can achieve each time you reach a goal, before long you will be at the results that you want.
  • try new veggies that you wouldn't normally eat and you might be surprised and like it. I have kids so getting them to eat new veggies sometimes can be trying. So for things like cauliflower I add a little butter and garlic and mash it up- so it looks more like mash potatoes. I also tend to get sweet potatoes and cut them…
  • I wouldn't weigh myself everyday, but you should when you do weigh yourself do it at the same time (morning, afternoon, or evening) to get the most accurate results. Your weight can change depending on the time of day, so if you change which the time you could actually see a gain. But the reason I wouldn't weigh in…
  • I would be happy to help- rae0823
  • I don't plan to do any cardio today, but I might do some ab workout all depens on my day today. But I'm always counting my calories no offf day from that!!!