

  • He's got it right! You won't be as motivated everyday. You just have to keep at it.
  • If you lost 2 pounds a week for 1 year (52 weeks) that would be 104 pounds. Some can lose it faster, but in general it's not recomended to lose more that 2 pounds a week. Who can be perfect for a whole year? I would suggest assuming it will take 12 to 18 monthes. If it takes less that would be great! Hey......even if it…
  • I usually have a quick egg white omlette with toast and a banana. I heat and spray the pan, add a thin layer of egg whites from a carton, and top with whatever I feel like that day. Because it's so thin I don't flip it......just slide it in my plate and let it fold over as it slides out. So fast and easy! Today I didn't…