

  • Very interesting. I knew I liked fall slaughter better than spring slaughter beef. That explains it. Do they say anything about haylage, hay bales, alfalfa? I prefer deer with a well-rounded diet too, not just grass-fed (too wild), and not just grain fed. Grew up on a farm and still hunt, contemplating buying a side of…
  • What I do is snack on raw veggies with no dressing, mostly snap/snow peas, broccoli, celery, and carrots. I also have a snack with 1 oz of almonds (raw, not roasted or salted) and 3 pieces of Dove Dark Promises...these help with portion control. Those snacks fill me pretty well for 2 to 3 hours. Today I'm trying Wasabi…
  • I was a picky eater...but then with some support and pushing from some friends, I have expanded the foods I like to the point that I can barely stand the smell of fried food. It took a LOT of encouragement, and a little courage, but now I would rather have a stir-fry or curry dish than a piece of fried chicken. There is so…
  • Sweet, looks like the C25K program is winning. Ironic thing is that my little brother told me he is planning on trying a 5K too by June, so I have a training buddy maybe :-)
  • I am a huge fan of Fighters Uncaged! One of my friends has the game, and I keep going to his place so I can play it. I have since set a savings goal to get an Xbox, a Kinect, and a few of the games. I also need to get a TV since I haven't had use for one in over 5 years and I don't want to take up all the time in my…
  • I replaced the processed sweets with more whole foods. Carrots, broccoli, celery, sugar snap peas are all very sweet after weening yourself off the processed sweets. Fruits are great too for satisfying a sweet tooth. I replaced my major sweets with dark chocolate, great coffee (no sugar, no cream, black), a little cheese…
  • When I started my quest for health, I started making a lot of fresh foods and cooking. After tracking with MFP, I found that the 6 days I didn't eat manufactured foods, I was only getting 1500-1900mg of sodium, but I eat out once per week with people from work and occasionally on weekends, those days I blow the 2500 limit…
    in SODIUM!!! Comment by Duliebob March 2011
  • If you're eating fresh veggies, getting plenty of low sodium broth, and fresh fruits, you don't need as much water. But if you're getting a lot of dehydrated, or all around dry foods, you still need to get all the water. The rules I use are for every 8 oz of fruits or vegetables, subtract 1/4 in water. Coffee, figure half…
    in WATER Comment by Duliebob March 2011
  • I personally run my calories about equal all day, seems to work best so I don't start feeling like I've been starving. Today I had a wrench thrown into my plans for dinner, ended up helping one of my brother's friends with her car for a couple hours. This kind of caused my dinner to happen a little earlier than I would…
  • Oh yeah, everything that I did for the core was pretty much cardio, working all the muscle groups a little at a time, except during the biggest lifts of dirt or snow.
  • Something that I am finding is that doing balance exercise with weight helps tighten the core. I was having trouble with my pot belly until recently, while it is still there, it doesn't show so bad because the abs are getting better tone. My exercises include digging holes, pulling hedges, chipping and scraping ice from…