

  • Hi Chin up and carry on. I get weeks where there is no lose.... in fact I have just had 3 and it was hard to carry on but last week I had a lose. Ann
  • Hi I suppose the best thing to do is put it behind you as a lesson learnt and concentrate on today........... I had a bad day yesterday as we had a Chinese Buffet so well over and I am not happy with that. Just hope it doesnt spoil my weeks lose. I was well over on calories and as I only weigh myself once a week I wont…
  • Well done it must feel great xx
  • Morning............ I always poach mine with a little vinegar to hold then together. also love this site just joined and it all looks great Ann
  • Hi Thanks. All that advice came very quick. I will do what everyone seems to be doing and add it seperately Thanks Ann
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