

  • I eat as healthily as possible as it gives me energy, makes me feel good about myself and also that I feel I am achieving something positive for myself. Please take no notice of what people say to you....their habits will impact on them as they age...!!
  • can add me if you want. I've just turned the big 5-0 this year. I've had health problems, although not physically disabled and have felt frustrated when I was on doctor's orders not to exercise. However, just to have a bit of motivation from time to time works wonders, especially if you need to distress then move…
  • Hi, Welcome!! I've recently had surgery for Graves disease, so I have to take thyroxine on a daily basis. The app is brilliant for guiding you and I also find a motivator to exercise - especially when I want something else to eat...ha ha :-) Good luck on your journey.
  • Hi, I've been on myfitnesspal for quite a while but there was a time when I was unable to utilise this app due to an op. However, I'm now up and running and back to using the app. I feel accountable to myself - I know that I cannot lie as it will eventually show on the scales (not that I use them often) and my clothes. I…
  • I enjoy reading people's blogs as it gives me motivation and also that there are other people whose issues are similar to my own. Like yourself I would like support but not if its given in a negative way...this is defeating the person. I have to keep fit for health reasons and also because I feel a lot better when I…
  • HI have two boys, although older than yours (16 and 10). My husband works shifts and I also work full time. I make use of the Wii and enjoy zumba twice a week whilst Jacob (my youngest) is playing Angry birds in his room! I love to dance and start of on the low intensity. I sill have two stone to lose but have lost a stone…
  • 1. Whilst trying to lose weight I am supporting my niece who is anorexic 2. I have two wonderful boys and a loving supportive husband 3. I'd love a clean, tidy house...but with two boys...forget it! 4. I try and achieve something each year...this year I have swum 50 lengths. 5. I've lived and worked all over Britain - but…
  • First of all WELL DONE YOU FOR LOSING 50lbs!!! That is some achievement. My weight has fluctuated since my last child nearly 8 years ago. Thanks to this app and joining the gym I'm 14lbs off my goal weight. I've lost 42lbs so far. When you stress about things your body can retain the weight. Go out and have some fun. Run…