Why do people criticise clean eaters/healthy lifestyles.



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have seen over the years clean eaters get fat. How many people who claim clean eating status also drink alcohol. Since we are all making assumptions, why do the clean eaters either have no avi, an avi with a picture of someone else and/or closed diaries? What are you hiding? Are you not proud to show off what 'clean eating' has done for your appearance.


    My thing is-- the few clean eating diaries I've seen (they're often closed) mostly look like mine. So when they tell me I'm just jealous and can't stick with it it makes me raise an eyebrow.

    FTR If you want to have a closed diary that's your prerogative-- I don't care. Just don't tell me you're eating is healthier than mine if your diary isn't significantly different.
  • On much less of a debating/argumentative note, YES, Pole is cool. I hated lifting weights (too boring for me-props to those that stick with it, I wasn't one of them) so I got into pole. I built up my back and arms so much I have real definition...bruises too, but...small sacrifices, you know.

    I wonder what the landlord going to say If we install a pole in our house? LOL One day I will give it a go, bruises and all.
  • Does being smug burn lots of calories?


  • Diffference is..i am not preaching my way of eating to distance runners. And neither do I preach about my sport being better than your sport. but if I am going ot have some clean eating person tell me I am unhealthy..you better be ready to prove you can outdo me in my sports..and show your avi. I got tons of me competing. Show your real avi.

    But you also should keep your comments about your bacon being better than my salad, just because I dont lift. Same coin, two sides ya' know.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    However I receive so much criticism from normal people on how I eat. I'm boring, obsessive, fussy, extreme & must be on a diet to lose weight.

    **** 'em. Do what you want. You're not harming anyone. :)

    I sometimes get it especially when I do something like ask how many cals something has.

  • **** 'em. Do what you want. You're not harming anyone. :)

    I sometimes get it especially when I do something like ask how many cals something has.

    Talk about weird looks you get! And comments.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member

    Diffference is..i am not preaching my way of eating to distance runners. And neither do I preach about my sport being better than your sport. but if I am going ot have some clean eating person tell me I am unhealthy..you better be ready to prove you can outdo me in my sports..and show your avi. I got tons of me competing. Show your real avi.

    But you also should keep your comments about your bacon being better than my salad, just because I dont lift. Same coin, two sides ya' know.

    Never said my bacon was better than your salad. Please, please bold any statement that I said about eating bacon being better.

    Heck there are times I eat kale salad and love the crap out of it.. and times I need some bacon.

    And forget the avi, love your stock photo.

  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    Diffference is..i am not preaching my way of eating to distance runners. And neither do I preach about my sport being better than your sport. but if I am going ot have some clean eating person tell me I am unhealthy..you better be ready to prove you can outdo me in my sports..and show your avi. I got tons of me competing. Show your real avi.

    But you also should keep your comments about your bacon being better than my salad, just because I dont lift. Same coin, two sides ya' know.

    Not read the rest of the thread (10 pages!) but being healthy and being fit are two different things.
  • rutzybabe
    rutzybabe Posts: 8
    I eat as healthily as possible as it gives me energy, makes me feel good about myself and also that I feel I am achieving something positive for myself. Please take no notice of what people say to you....their habits will impact on them as they age...!!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    On much less of a debating/argumentative note, YES, Pole is cool. I hated lifting weights (too boring for me-props to those that stick with it, I wasn't one of them) so I got into pole. I built up my back and arms so much I have real definition...bruises too, but...small sacrifices, you know.

    I wonder what the landlord going to say If we install a pole in our house? LOL One day I will give it a go, bruises and all.

    Actually this doesn't require bolts, etc in the house. It's just pressure. So the top and bottom are both pressing into the floor/ceiling. It is movable, etc. But it's not one of those cheap ones you get at Spencer's or adult stores...it's high quality. But it's chrome so it's kind of difficult to stick to. One of these days I'll invest in a brass one. This one works for now.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    Diffference is..i am not preaching my way of eating to distance runners. And neither do I preach about my sport being better than your sport. but if I am going ot have some clean eating person tell me I am unhealthy..you better be ready to prove you can outdo me in my sports..and show your avi. I got tons of me competing. Show your real avi.

    But you also should keep your comments about your bacon being better than my salad, just because I dont lift. Same coin, two sides ya' know.

    Never said my bacon was better than your salad. Please, please bold any statement that I said about eating bacon being better.

    Heck there are times I eat kale salad and love the crap out of it.. and times I need some bacon.

    And forget the avi, love your stock photo.


    Is there anything wrong with the idea of bacon salad? I mean why does it have to be an either/or choice?

  • Never said my bacon was better than your salad. Please, please bold any statement that I said about eating bacon being better.

    Heck there are times I eat kale salad and love the crap out of it.. and times I need some bacon.

    And forget the avi, love your stock photo.


    I actually hate kale and I am not a veggie, so I do eat bacon - but on special occasions, not every day. Everything in moderation.

    Yep stock it is, wait till i recover from my knee injury then I will have one taken...lol
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member

    Diffference is..i am not preaching my way of eating to distance runners. And neither do I preach about my sport being better than your sport. but if I am going ot have some clean eating person tell me I am unhealthy..you better be ready to prove you can outdo me in my sports..and show your avi. I got tons of me competing. Show your real avi.

    But you also should keep your comments about your bacon being better than my salad, just because I dont lift. Same coin, two sides ya' know.

    Never said my bacon was better than your salad. Please, please bold any statement that I said about eating bacon being better.

    Heck there are times I eat kale salad and love the crap out of it.. and times I need some bacon.

    And forget the avi, love your stock photo.


    Is there anything wrong with the idea of bacon salad? I mean why does it have to be an either/or choice?


    couldn't resist
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member

    Diffference is..i am not preaching my way of eating to distance runners. And neither do I preach about my sport being better than your sport. but if I am going ot have some clean eating person tell me I am unhealthy..you better be ready to prove you can outdo me in my sports..and show your avi. I got tons of me competing. Show your real avi.

    But you also should keep your comments about your bacon being better than my salad, just because I dont lift. Same coin, two sides ya' know.

    Never said my bacon was better than your salad. Please, please bold any statement that I said about eating bacon being better.

    Heck there are times I eat kale salad and love the crap out of it.. and times I need some bacon.

    And forget the avi, love your stock photo.


    Is there anything wrong with the idea of bacon salad? I mean why does it have to be an either/or choice?


    couldn't resist

    I would eat the CRAP out of that. Like now..hmm..maybe for lunch.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    For the same reason that some clean eaters criticize those who are willing to incorporate processed foods into their diet, the same reason some criticize low carb diets, vegetarian, vegan and vice versa.

    Because many do not accept there is another way that may or may not be better or worse than their current beliefs.

    Thank you!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I think it's mainly because of terms like "jealousy and ignorance" and "can't stick with it." It presumes that people who eat one way are somehow better than people who eat a different way. It's asinine and condescending.

    Also it might be because it cannot be clearly and concisely defined. One person's clean eating is another person's reason to look down their noses and say that it isn't clean enough. Says who?

    I don't tell other people what to eat, but I think that my athletic performance and body speak just fine for me. I don't label my foods as clean or dirty. I just eat a diet that contains nutritional foods with a good macro balance and good micronutrient content, and I treat myself whenever I want without worrying whether something is "clean."

    Why is it self-proclaimed clean eaters start threads to accuse people of criticizing them? Do they want to be criticized? I mean, if you don't start a thread seeking it, it is far less likely to happen. In the real world, stop telling other people how you eat and calling their food dirty and I'm pretty sure they will stop rolling their eyes at you and stop saying "oh, great. Another clean eater."

  • One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    One word ' Pretentious'

    Ordering a salad = Pretentious
    Ordering a burger = Normal

    Normal beat the hell out the the Pretentious. The end.

    What? Ordering a salad is not normal? And people think that ordering a salad somehow makes them more healthy than someone ordering a burger?

    Is this a joke?
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I am vegan - that alone means I have to hear peoples gross unwanted opinions on it all the time , lots of criticism and whatever

    I do not consider myself a clean eater even though my diet is about 85% fruits & veg mmmmm

    I am about to eat a bunch of chips though so im not clean

    people criticize it because a.they do not like feeling preached at & b.they think you think you are superior to them because of how you eat (maybe you do)