

  • This is a popular meme, There are many like this, and they're kinda funny. The intent is "I WANT YOU TO HURT INSIDE"
  • Thank you all for everything. I'm going to attempt to take some of the steps you've all mentioned. First thing's first, see if I can get financial aid and move out. My parents have always been good, hardworking people, but I don't know why my father is constantly on edge and snapping at everything more than usual, and…
  • How did you manage? Did you have any siblings you felt responsible for?
  • I have a part-time job, but that pays for my education and I save enough quarters to have a guilty pleasure like sushi every few weeks, but I'm usually very strict on my spending, and all my bonus money either goes on saving up for christmas/birthday presents for my little sister. Financial aid wont support me because of…
  • I am currently in Uni, and have a job, but my job hardly pays for my school, and the financial aid offices see that I either reside with my parents or that they have money and deny me the possibility of going after something further away I want to move out, I just don't want to leave my younger sister in an environment…
  • I currently have a job, but it pays very little, and I'm concentrating on university, hoping to do it and finish as fast as I can. A journal might actually be a really good idea. and your confidence warms my heart. Thankyou. :flowerforyou:
  • The fata** comment hits hard. It affects people when they see their parents sitting down, relaxing, and telling their kids to get up and do some work. I'm going to try the letter, but it scares me. What if they just brush it off or get over emotional or even angry at me and start blaming me? And then what if they push…
  • I'm not sure if writing a letter would possibly change anything :c We've had talks before where I'd ask them to completely stop, so I can get back to some sort of stability and stop being tense and stressed out all the time, subsequently fixing my eating habits, but a few days later they'll start again. I don't know how to…
  • Oh gosh. Sushi, once a week for 26 weeks is $260 >.< Rent here for one month and a one bedroom is like, 1200 It's horrid.
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