Why are people on here angry?



  • themtron
    themtron Posts: 57 Member
    Was it one of the "friends" you called out for being unsupportive jerks?

    Sigh...nope, but thanks for asking. :-/
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    what did you post?

    More or less that I need new friends because the ones b/c the ones I currently have aren't supportive. And now I need to **** myself with a cactus...

    was it one of your unsupportive friends?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Side effect of "eating clean" and denying yourself your favorite foods.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    People are mean because they are hungry, and or taking some type of fat loss supplements....or even worse ROID RAGE!~!
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    "Go **** yourself with a cactus".

    That's just rude!
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    You get a lot of people on here that are elitist jerks. They use broscience and the fact that something worked for them and mush it in your face when you disagree with them. Then they troll your post so they can be "important" because arguing and get the last post in a thread on the internet makes you a smart guy. All because some people lost some weight and read a bunch of articles doesn't make them an expert. But for some people, this is their facebook and they choose to be *kitten* about it and live on the forums. Honestly, if you have a question ask your friends in your feed first before you go the forums because MFP has had a recent recruitment of smart a$$e$ lately.

  • kylaenslow
    kylaenslow Posts: 37 Member
    You get a lot of people on here that are elitist jerks. They use broscience and the fact that something worked for them and mush it in your face when you disagree with them. Then they troll your post so they can be "important" because arguing and get the last post in a thread on the internet makes you a smart guy. All because some people lost some weight and read a bunch of articles doesn't make them an expert. But for some people, this is their facebook and they choose to be *kitten* about it and live on the forums. Honestly, if you have a question ask your friends in your feed first before you go the forums because MFP has had a recent recruitment of smart a$$e$ lately.

    :laugh: what she said!!!
  • deanjou59
    deanjou59 Posts: 737 Member
    Because they're hungry.


    On a serious note, I am sorry that happened to you :/ I do not understand it when people get downright rude.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    You get a lot of people on here that are elitist jerks. They use broscience and the fact that something worked for them and mush it in your face when you disagree with them. Then they troll your post so they can be "important" because arguing and get the last post in a thread on the internet makes you a smart guy. All because some people lost some weight and read a bunch of articles doesn't make them an expert. But for some people, this is their facebook and they choose to be *kitten* about it and live on the forums. Honestly, if you have a question ask your friends in your feed first before you go the forums because MFP has had a recent recruitment of smart a$$e$ lately.

    Yeah, seems like it. Problem here was I was asking for new friends. I guess they didn't like how I asked, and I can see how I didn't come across well (hindsight and all that ). But still, some of what they're saying...yeesh. I want to stop looking but it's a train wreck there!

    Odd, thought you were bashing your friends for not giving you props... but didn't some of your friend list show up and call you out for the same thing?

    I'll quote myself because it seems my question was overlooked, OP.
  • I posted something about an hour ago, and it seems quite a few forum readers did not appreciate what I said. But one of the responses was "Go **** yourself with a cactus". That just seemed unnecessary and what I said shouldn't have garnered anyone saying that. Nothing near that.

    I've seen other people who post in the forums get beat up and it makes me wonder why people on here are so angry? I thought we were here to help each other out, not tear each other down.

    This is a popular meme, http://weknowmemes.com/2012/04/pissed-off-tobey-maguire/

    There are many like this, and they're kinda funny. The intent is "I WANT YOU TO HURT INSIDE"
  • rich347
    rich347 Posts: 508 Member
    Looks like we got some MFP "THUGS" on here, don't mind them
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    You get a lot of people on here that are elitist jerks. They use broscience and the fact that something worked for them and mush it in your face when you disagree with them. Then they troll your post so they can be "important" because arguing and get the last post in a thread on the internet makes you a smart guy. All because some people lost some weight and read a bunch of articles doesn't make them an expert. But for some people, this is their facebook and they choose to be *kitten* about it and live on the forums. Honestly, if you have a question ask your friends in your feed first before you go the forums because MFP has had a recent recruitment of smart a$$e$ lately.

    ^^^ Holla!!! :tongue:
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    because they are fat ****s!
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    They are not angry. They are hangry.

  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,531 Member
    You get a lot of people on here that are elitist jerks. They use broscience and the fact that something worked for them and mush it in your face when you disagree with them. Then they troll your post so they can be "important" because arguing and get the last post in a thread on the internet makes you a smart guy. All because some people lost some weight and read a bunch of articles doesn't make them an expert. But for some people, this is their facebook and they choose to be *kitten* about it and live on the forums. Honestly, if you have a question ask your friends in your feed first before you go the forums because MFP has had a recent recruitment of smart a$$e$ lately.

    Yeah, seems like it. Problem here was I was asking for new friends. I guess they didn't like how I asked, and I can see how I didn't come across well (hindsight and all that ). But still, some of what they're saying...yeesh. I want to stop looking but it's a train wreck there!

    Odd, thought you were bashing your friends for not giving you props... but didn't some of your friend list show up and call you out for the same thing?

    I'll quote myself because it seems my question was overlooked, OP.

    Oooh - It just got IN-TER-EST-ING!!!
  • Amellej
    Amellej Posts: 197 Member
    They are pissed becuase they cant eat everything they want. plus people tend to get brave on the internet
  • themtron
    themtron Posts: 57 Member
    You get a lot of people on here that are elitist jerks. They use broscience and the fact that something worked for them and mush it in your face when you disagree with them. Then they troll your post so they can be "important" because arguing and get the last post in a thread on the internet makes you a smart guy. All because some people lost some weight and read a bunch of articles doesn't make them an expert. But for some people, this is their facebook and they choose to be *kitten* about it and live on the forums. Honestly, if you have a question ask your friends in your feed first before you go the forums because MFP has had a recent recruitment of smart a$$e$ lately.

    Yeah, seems like it. Problem here was I was asking for new friends. I guess they didn't like how I asked, and I can see how I didn't come across well (hindsight and all that ). But still, some of what they're saying...yeesh. I want to stop looking but it's a train wreck there!

    Odd, thought you were bashing your friends for not giving you props... but didn't some of your friend list show up and call you out for the same thing?

    I'll quote myself because it seems my question was overlooked, OP.

    No, wasn't ignoring you, but I responded to another person that asked a similar question. It's not anyone from my friends list. Mostly, they don't log on regularly, and therefore don't notice anything that's going on.
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    "Go **** yourself with a cactus".

    That's just rude!

    Yeah......if by "rude" you mean diabolically hysterical
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    Momma said, "alligators are so angry because they got all them teeth but no toothbrush."
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