I'm interested too.
Rest day is not taking a break from your training. Its part of your training. Rest days are important to optimal improvement. See my hero Hal Higdon on google.
I'd find the closest thing to it and log it as that. Strength training while really awesome for you doesn't burn a ton of calories.
I just checked that study and it wasn't just for women its the same for men and women. "no significant differences in the HRmax regression equation were observed between men and women or between sedentary (212- 0.7 x age) and endurance-trained (205 - 0.6 x age) subjects."
Its not normal for me. I'm thinking maybe running too fast on long run? The pace should be much slower on your long run. Maybe not enough fluids? Is your base running mileage enough to support your long run? Meaning you should not be running 16 miles per week with 10 being a long run.
Maybe they were just jealous
MPF is notorious for overestimating calories burned. I have no experience with the accuracy of a Garmin. There are really good calculators out there on the net for number of calories burnt running. For me its about 95 per mile.
Sounds like you just way overdid it. If you still feel weird in a week it might be something.
I just live a charmed life. Why don't you google Hal Higdon he's like 100 years old and still runs marathons.
Agree with the poster who said that "the vast majority of this is utter crap". I've been a runner for 16 years. Get a good training plan Hal Higdon is a running icon and has free marathon training plans for all levels. He has a plan for non-runners its called "Novice Supreme" its 30 weeks. Even that plan assumes you can…
Go to moving comfort website and look at sale bras. Use the "sports bra finder" questionnaire to be sure you buy the right one for you and what you do. Just got one for 30 bucks free shipping too. Very good quality high impact bras for larger sizes.
Although the running speed and height thing makes intuitive sense there are studies that show there is no such correlation.
Really? Cause I have no problem understanding that.
Be alert. Stay away from shrubbery and dark spots. Stay away from empty areas. Most important vary your route and the time of your run. Dogs are usually more a real danger than people.
Unless you take vitamins. Then checking the color of your urine won't work
I had a fitbit. It was typically 10-20% off. They just aren't known for accuracy.
Color runs are meant to be fun, non-competitive runs. They aren't timed and its not a race so just keep training and have fun!
Why not try real barefoot running? Its free. Lots of folks swear by it. Google a guy named Barefoot Rick. He's sort of an icon in the barefoot running world.
Take a break for a couple weeks. Get running shoes from a running store. If when you start to run again the pain is still there, then and only then, its time to see a doctor. I'd bet the farm its your shoes. And by doctor I don't mean your GP.
Get a new doctor. I have thyroid issues. My story was a bit different with me insisting I did not have a problem and my doctor saying yes you do. I googled what happens with long term untreated thyroid issues and...well I take the meds now. I feel so much better! I was tired for so long I forgot it wasn't normal.
I think its awesome you are starting to run. I too was embarrassed at first. I ran at night so no one would see me. Not really late just as soon as it got dark. That was 16 years ago ..still running, but mostly during the day now. I still love a night run for the quiet.
I'm not feeling the outrage here either. I think people pretty much know what they are getting into and judge it to be worth it to them. They all have the option to leave. That said its not the best model for losing weight.
Its not on youtube but Iron Strength Workout on Runners World is one kick-butt workout.
Training for my fourth half. Done 3 10 milers too. What I really want to do is commit to a full. For now I'm just happy to have committed to a half. Its in May.
What Cheshirecat said - stretch after not before. Before you can walk or run slowly to warm up, but stretching is for after you run.
It can't be done. Move on.
Core strength training. You need a overall fitness and strength base to run without injury and pain.
Almost all diets work. The thing is finding one that works for you. Healthy and doable. South Beach worked for you. WW has worked for many. I've seen and experienced other diets working well. Calories in calories out works too. Its not the only way to go though, we each need to find what works for us.
You have a strong base. I think you'll be fine. Only caution is don't up the mileage per week to0 fast even when it feels like you can. ITB injuries happen pretty suddenly and are hard to come back in a short period of time -like when your first half is coming up soon. Oh and if the half has hills train for hills.