

  • Thank you all for your congrats :) I looked at Jeff Galloway's plan at http://www.jeffgalloway.com/training/half_marathon.html , took out the alternating "rest" weeks for the long runs, although I wasn't strict about it, I semi-followed it. I wish I had started earlier to train, but there is always next year! I tried to…
  • This is a good topic to bring up because I think this is something that we all kind of feel in some way. I know I felt it when I first started running , and a couple of months ago, when I was running at dawn like I had been doing I passed a couple of younger ladies that were barely awake, and a sarcastic "ya, you run, good…
  • I was concerned about not making it through a 45 minute time limit in my first 5k as well. In practice runs , I had only gotten there twice. I had to walk about half of it and still made it under 40 minutes. The excitement of the atmosphere will definitely inspire you and you'll end up going faster than you realize. That…
  • That is so fantastic! Congratulations to you! That is big deal and shows your commitment! I haven't been caught in a downpour yet, but I actually like running with a little bit of rain to cool me down.
  • It comes when it comes. I know when it hit for me. There was a switch that flipped in me when I saw the clock on my second 5k. Story below, stop reading if you don't wanna hear my life story lol. On my first 5k , I hated it, I was not ready... but I committed, and it was 87 degrees and humid and I was overweight. I did not…
  • The first time I saw that I was just mesmerized. Love it!
  • Although I've always had the ability to run, I never had the inspiration. In high school, when I was skinny, we had to run a "12 min run", and see how far we could make it. I remember the farthest I could go was 1.4 miles. I was quick though, I used to pinch run for the slow kids on the baseball team. Anyway, I never…
  • I agree with Kathleen. Start now, and if you have extra time then you can always restart the program from the midway mark or higher. However, if you feel like you need an extra week at a certain long run distance before you move up, you can do it again during your training too. I had issues going from 8.5 -10 mi , fwiw. I…
  • This is what I was hoping for. Thank you all for your replies. And Camilla, that was very deep and thought provoking.
  • Its deceiving from that one picture. I did choose the one of few I felt I looked ok in . I am 5'9" 177 right now. The only bit of muscles I have are in my calves from running so much over the summer. I don't lift. Anything. Ever. Maybe a burrito. I'd lift a burrito. Regarding honesty and activity level, I didn't do jack…
  • Also, I'm curious unlikely how? Do you think It should be higher or lower?
  • 1870 - That's my MFP Calc for my new goal of losing 1/2 lb per week at my current weight (I gained back 3 lbs). I've looked at TDEE calcs and I come in around 2100ish I think?
  • I just started running in June. Therefore, I pretty much know nothing, except for what I've done. My longest runs went from 6.5 to 12.5 in the course of 8 weeks, where I wasn't doing one run more than 5m before that per week. I'm doing one more 13 miler before my first Half in 17 days. Going up the ladder in mileage seemed…
  • I've got my first one in 3 weeks. I feel the same way, I don't WANT to taper. I've made it this far, I want to keep it up so I don't flake out. Best of luck to you!!!!
  • My first one is in three weeks! If you're already up to 9 or 10 mi that's great. I did my first 10 miler 3 weeks ago, been increasing the long run each week. I just started running in June, have done four 5k's this summer and have a 10K planned for the week before the HM. I can say I'm actually ready for it now! I was…
  • I think we all need some kind of motivation. I have a ten year old daughter too, and that wouldn't motivate her as much as it would motivate my 8 year old son, but he loves running anyway. Not sure what I could get her to do to run, actually. :) Perhaps only if a large animal was chasing her... but even then...... Anyway,…
  • Mapmyrun told me I burned 1700 calories running yesterday. But I did run for two full hours. Average 30 min run for me burns about 450-475 calories.
  • I'm in a similar situation (leave for work at 7AM, get back after 5PM) , so I started just getting up an hour earlier (5AM) to run or go to the gym. I have to force myself to go to bed earlier though, or I just wont do it. I used to go to sleep around 11PM-Midnight, but now, I'm trying to make sure I'm definitely in bed by…
  • When I started running, the biggest obstacle for me was breathing. I wouldn't say I was running too fast, but I was certainly running harder than my body was used to. But running started with walking. I walked about 3 miles everyday for a couple weeks before I decided I would start running. I slowly worked in running,…
  • I just wanted to say congrats on signing up for your first 5k!
  • So I've only been running since June, but I already had a preconceived notion of not liking the treadmill. While I have gone on the treadmill at the gym, and done about half hour runs on there, I just cant put the same amount of effort into it. I have this paralyzing fear that I'm going to be "that guy" , the one that…
  • Doing a themed 5k for your first one sounds so great! I'm doing my 4th 5K on Saturday, then another the Sunday after that... Then gearing up for ... yes, I think I am, haven't signed up quite yet but .... my first 1/2 Marathon in October.
  • Thank you , that sounds good. I like the idea of tapering off. There's a 10K I want to do the week before the HM.
  • I ate before the run - regular breakfast - coffee, eggs , sausage , waited about 45 min then set up. I have heard of the whole idea of snacking on the run , but that just doesn't seem to compute for me...