HDKay Member


  • Great idea x x SW: 80kg CW: 80kg GW:60kg Goals for January are alcohol free, junk food free, log daily, exercise 3 or more times a week and generally kick my own *kitten* and get it back into gear!
  • I ordered takeout last night and had Tom Yam soup & Sui Mai dumplings, still take out, still delicious but under 400kcals! You can do the same on the indian menu but where possible stick to starters and well away from fried dishes x
    in takeawy Comment by HDKay May 2013
  • I did make use of the gym's steam room to warm back up, I am so very glum but keep pushing that we'll get a long late summer and I can get back to enjoying outside!
  • Urgh!!! Still rainy and horrid, it not only messes with the exercise but with the cooking plans too! I should be doing nice summery salads and lean chicken and enjoying it outside, I ate it curled up under my duvet and it's just not the same! I want to be making stew and pie and scrummy warm meals
  • do you do it at Bravissimo? all the Bravissimos I've ever been to have the fitting rooms in the cellar!!! lol but they do have comfy settees, my sis fell asleep on one while waiting for me the last time i was there! [/quote] I do, I adore Bravissimo, in Liverpool city centre the shop is teeny, about the size of a terraced…
  • you are lucky, living in the UK you have a huge amount of choice as to what you can get! In terms of fitting, with most women even a 5lb-10Lb (half a stone!!!) weight gain or loss can affect the fit of your bra. Bras also get worn out and stretch, so even if your size doesn't seem to have changed, it's always best to buy…
  • That's just cruel!!! Hell Bunny do great dresses that have a stretch to the top too, but Pepperberry are specially fit to *ahem* hide your shame :wink:
  • i do not know YOU, but I know bras, and breasts. you are NOT a DD, you are at least an FF or G cup (if that is your picture on your profile). while you might not like this truth, or want to recognise it, I meant to help you and not harm. You would feel far better about your breasts in general with a properly fitting bra as…
  • Don't know if you have it in the US but we have Bravissimo and Pepperberry that are amazing shops and clothes are made to fit your bust, so you can get a dress that fits both bottom and top!!
  • Actually does now make a bit more sense and I bloody wish I'd known it before, I've struggled as I got put on contraception to balance out some spectacular mood swings (works really well) but I've put on 3 stone and so boobs have gone from an F to a HH.... Doc keeps saying the weight may not go which is why I've been…
  • HELP!!!! Urgh I did not know this why the hell do they make sizes so complicated???So when I drop from a 36 to a 34 even if my cup doesnt drop they do get smaller??
  • I'm getting rather jealous at all the people loosing boobs!! £4 grand opp in the planning for xmas but fingers crossed I drop some
  • Mine never do so I'm planning the above, it is a personal thing as I know my Mum's & sisters do but mine... mneh!
  • Snap and snap :happy:
  • A gym having a bar sounds totally counter productive to me... a cafe/restaurant makes sense but a bar? [/quote] It's a gym attached to a hotel, my choices we're the local gym that's for weight training and full of the local bouncers, the gym attached to the high school that's full of spin classes and teens or the much more…
  • 30 mins rowing machine, 30 mins full and fast swim and then making use of steam room & jacuzzi :wink:
  • Exactly that!!! I got all giddy that summer was here and yesterday just turned me into a giant sulky cowbags!! I wanted a half term of big walks and teddy bear picnics!!
  • : I do keep logging my drinks and deciding better of it, massive pain in the *kitten* at the min is that my gym has a bar, and gave me £10 vouchers when I joined ......:drinker: after the gym is tempting!!! I'd love to walk the gym and back and will when some nights but I have to get a sitter in to go and it's a 30 min…
  • :heart: This!! Don't sweat the small stuff, life is far too short
  • I was trying to remember which way round it was as I knew one had qualifications and the other is good old Jillian McKieth, if your USA and unsure she was a UK TV icon who was debunked as her "nutrition" and advice were harmful! I don't know what the US version of GP is but I'd go and see them for some better advice, 900…
  • Island of the coast of Australia where they filmed the Lord of the Rings :-) I soooooo want to visit your lovely country x
  • Awwwww the ex hubby works in Bolton and I get the joys of going in at the end of the month to do his accounts, you're missing the bin lid breakies aren't you :-)
  • I miss London :-( Grew up there till I was 13 and then Dad's work moved up here, the temptation to bugger off is often high but small house prices, jobs, family and friends would be a massive loss! Seriously though this town it would be so easy to head out for so much fun but getting anyone to go further than the local pub…
  • Youth group and whatever madness that is today, and I'm going in god why is it not bedtime yet???
  • There is a bottle of Russian Standard that lives in my fridge for emergencies..... I think I may have to hide that from myself
    in *Gulp* Comment by HDKay May 2013
  • That there may pose the problem! I think a wave bye bye to the booze unless it falls on special circumstances
    in *Gulp* Comment by HDKay May 2013
  • Hmmmm yet to work out how to do the "quotey thing" facebook has bred laziness!
    in *Gulp* Comment by HDKay May 2013
  • in *Gulp* Comment by HDKay May 2013
  • Us women folk are riddled with those pesky hormones, the alcohol make us level ;-) Thanks for the add and I will keep in mind my cheat days and do plan to wave bye bye to the booze for some time to come, though I'm rather saddened by the loss of nice red wine
    in *Gulp* Comment by HDKay May 2013