Grey, Grim, Rainy UK



  • HDKay
    HDKay Posts: 34 Member
    Urgh!!! Still rainy and horrid, it not only messes with the exercise but with the cooking plans too! I should be doing nice summery salads and lean chicken and enjoying it outside, I ate it curled up under my duvet and it's just not the same! I want to be making stew and pie and scrummy warm meals
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Aww, poor thing. All my UK friends on facebook are moping about the weather today. I try to use a rainy day as an excuse to do some really challenging workout dvds or bodyweight exercises at home (the types of things I'll generally avoid when the weather is nice), and then have a long soak in the hot tub. Ahhh!
  • HDKay
    HDKay Posts: 34 Member
    I did make use of the gym's steam room to warm back up, I am so very glum but keep pushing that we'll get a long late summer and I can get back to enjoying outside!
  • cbfliz
    cbfliz Posts: 33 Member
    I made the most of the all day rain here in Surrey by taking the opportunity to have a thorough clear out of my wardrobe. All the clothes that no longer fit me have been bundled up to go to the charity shop thus creating lots of room for all the lovely new (smaller sized) clothes that I now own :happy:
  • viragoeap
    viragoeap Posts: 107
    I had a great run in the rain tonight and have run some of my best races in the rain! Snow, well that's another matter! The sun will be back, have faith!