

  • It's low based on the guidelines I have from my nutritionist. It's ok to go over!
  • Fat weights less than muscle so as you exercise you are increasing muscle mass (which burns calories faster) and decreasing the amount of fat. So ... if you haven't gained, then you have actually lost! Keep it up and you'll see the scale start to drop soon!
  • Distract yourself for 15 minutes, brush your teeth, drink something warm like tea or chicken boullion, journal, take a walk, read a book, work on a hobby, call a friend, call a family member. According to my nutritionist that "hungry feeling" only lasts about 15 minutes and then it goes away ... Hope that helps!
  • The best way to deal with parties is to decide what you're going to eat before you go. Learn what foods are highest in fat and calories and avoid those foods, or only take a very small "taste". I usually have a protein shake before I go to a party so I'm not hungry when I get there and I'm less tempted! Sipping on water…
  • This has been a lifetime struggle for me. My trigger is stress ... not surprising! I'm not always successful, but I have learned not to beat myself up when I binge because it is only one day (as long as I don't binge every day). Things that help: no unhealthy foods in the house, bowls of veggies in the refrigerator already…
  • Not sure about the percentage thing. Remember that at first you are replacing fat with muscle when you are exercising and muscle weighs more than fat so if you haven't gained then you actually have lost! Keep on, keeping on!