

  • I had a bunch of left overs a few months ago, but only a little bit of each leftover. A little bit of chicken bad thai (asian dish from the gods), a leftover Wendy's Jr. Cheeseburger, and leftover potato salad. Literally the worst meal combination I ever ate. Thai food especially does not go with potato salad.
  • I tried IF back when I did Paleo in about 2011. IF is how I broke through my plateau weight back then after being stuck on the scale at 150 for two months. However, it really did a number on my personal motivation, as I was hungry a lot, and I quit the whole diet about five pounds later. Now, I'm kind of on a…
  • There's stuff that's filling AND not a whole lot of calories. Chili is my go-to. Like, you can eat 2 full bowls of chili and be looking at under 500 calories. I have chili in my fridge always. Also, WATER. Sometimes you think you're hungry when you're just outright thirsty! I started this back in February I think, and back…
  • I wouldn't call 1100 calories a "very low calorie intake" for someone like me at 5'4" @ 139 pounds. My BMR is only 350 calories more than that. And no, starvation mode doesn't cause you to "stop losing weight." It slows your metabolism by 10% after your body fat % gets very, very low. Never has there ever been a study that…
  • Me and you are similar. I am eating the minimum at 1200/day, though sometimes it goes as low as 800. I do not see any negative side effects from eating only 800 calories in a day every once in a while so long as I am full. Most days I eat between 1000 and 1200 calories. I have narrowed down my meals to two meals daily…
  • The food in that link looks god awful. I'm all about eating the veggies, but eating 30 grape tomatoes and a piece of pita bread for lunch sounds like my diet would be over in 3, 2, 1....
  • Personally, I find it best to weigh myself daily. Different strokes for different folks. I mean, to me, more information is better, and while I know a lot of the fluctuations are water weight, generally if I see a new low weight on the scale, while I might not see that number for a couple of days, I start seeing it more…
  • It's kind of the way the body is wired. It was beneficial back when cavemen could find a lot to eat in Spring, and next to nothing in Winter. Gotta put on a lot of weight quickly so you can expend it slowly when you need it. Plus, empty calories are hidden in everything. It so easy to mindlessly slather two tablespoons of…