Only weighing In once a month

I'm changing the game. I am only going to weigh myself once a month. I do not want this be about the numbers on the scale. I want this to be about my health. About getting strong, about being fit. I do not want to relapse back into bulimia so I know this will be hard but good for me. I am going to weigh myself the first of every month. I am really hoping I can be successful, who would like to join me? If anyone does maybe we can start a thread to support us?

I haven't weighed myself since Saturday and I feel so much better then depending on the numbers. It's amazing how good you can feel.


  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    I was just thinking about doing this earlier.I have a horrible habit of weighing myself daily.I think it is causing me to obsess..
  • Carley
    Carley Posts: 88
    I was just thinking about doing this earlier.I have a horrible habit of weighing myself daily.I think it is causing me to obsess..


    And because I am recovered from eating disorders I need to prevent that from happening.
  • htg20
    htg20 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm going for once a week now (2.5 weeks in) but I may go longer as I progress. Small victories at the beginning can really motivate you!
  • Itskaleena
    Itskaleena Posts: 157 Member
    No scale so I can't weigh myself:/ But as someone recovering from an ED I'm here to support you 100%:)
  • Carley
    Carley Posts: 88
    No scale so I can't weigh myself:/ But as someone recovering from an ED I'm here to support you 100%:)

    Thank you!i t means a lot to me. I had anorexia for 10 years and bulimia for 16 years so I need to be very careful.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I get weighed once a month by my doctor but I'm not allowed to see the results. When he found out I was weighing myself every day, he made me get rid of my scale because I'm a numerical analyst by trade and numbers do crazy things to my brain.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    That's what I am doing now. I have some emotional eating issues. When I'd weigh myself (once a week or more often) I'd get all upset if I wasn't losing as fast as I thought I should be, then I'd give up and binge. Last month, I didn't weigh myself. I didn't count calories. I followed the guidelines in Geneen Roth's Breaking Free from Emotional Eating. After 3 weeks, I had lost weight.
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    I get weighed once a month by my doctor but I'm not allowed to see the results. When he found out I was weighing myself every day, he made me get rid of my scale because I'm a numerical analyst by trade and numbers do crazy things to my brain.

    Husband is working on his PhD in math. I had to ask him to remind me what numerical analysis is.

    Now I want to figure out the polynomial behind my weight graph. ^_^
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I thought maybe I'd weigh again next year.
  • coffeegirl1015
    coffeegirl1015 Posts: 3 Member
    I like the idea of staying away from the scale. I need to lose about 40 pounds and I know that hopping on that scale is really getting to me. I have successfully lost 150 pounds and kept it off until I had surgery. That really messed with my system and I have had a hard time getting back on track. I love the feeling of being healthy. I say, once a week to start with and "scale" back from there.
  • AlyRuth94
    AlyRuth94 Posts: 11
    Personally, I find it best to weigh myself daily. Different strokes for different folks.

    I mean, to me, more information is better, and while I know a lot of the fluctuations are water weight, generally if I see a new low weight on the scale, while I might not see that number for a couple of days, I start seeing it more and more over the course of a week or so, before I officially decide, "I've lost a pound!"

    It might make some people obsess, but I just keep in mind water weight and at what point I'm in on my cycle (I am always 3-4 pounds heavier the day before my period, and then continue to lose to my lightest weight, which is typically a week after my period.) Keeping these things in mind, it's easy not to freak out if the scale is 2 pounds more than yesterday.
  • Eolv
    Eolv Posts: 10 Member
    I recovered from mainly anorexia with bulimic tendencys, so I'm on the same boat. I'm still quite a bit obsessed with weight, and what I have gained over time. But checking the scale daily isn't a good idea. I don't know if I can go monthly, but I'll try my best to go weekly. I really want to stop obsessing over my weight as well, and focus on being healthy.
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I cheated and weighed myself at home today. My scale weight says 206 which is a 30 lbs weight loss in 3 1/2 months. I "only" lost 2 lbs since May 27th.

    A lot of people would be disappointed but I've learned to look at other factors. The other day I had to go buy new pants because I've dropped down another size. My bras are too big. My shirts hang off of me. I've had to change my hair because my face looks different.

    My blood pressure is down, my blood sugar is down. Cravings are gone. I can keep up with fast walkers and run around with my niece and nephew. I have more energy.

    The scale is telling me a very small part of my story. I'm just going to keep on doing my thing and not pay attention to one number that's a dot on the painting of my weight loss.
  • Carley
    Carley Posts: 88
    It's been about 8 days since I weighed myself and it feels amazing!!!